CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCILMEETING MINUTES: Tuesday, March 18, 20146:30 pm Staff RoomParticipants: Mary Byers, Anna Racine, Angela Morocco, Mary D’Uva, Elizabeth Davey, Sante Visca, Terri Visca, MelissaRoma, Susan Zizian, Laura Thomas, Toni Artista-Marsh, Debra McDonald, Sandra Stranges,1.
Welcome @ 6:30 p.m.: Anna Racine chaired the meeting and welcomed the council to the meeting.
Special Needs Report: SEAC :
• Anna Racine reported information from SEAC.
Profits will be realized throughout the course of the year.
Davey informed the council that all principals and CYW’s are currently being trained in the ASIST program for
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