Catholic School Council Minutes
Monday, February 11th, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Routine Matters
1. Opening Prayer- Mr. Ferrusi
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Conflicts
B. Principal’s Report
1. NCPIC- March 6,
2. SEAC- March 6
1. Financial Report- Mr. Root reviewed financial balances
2. Policies being vetted- Mr. Root listed policies being vetted. He reviewed in detail the admissions policy
3. School Improvement- Mr. Root reviewed that Acadience scores will now be in the report cards.
4. School Organization- Mr. Root introduced the new Grade 2 teacher.
5. EQAO- Mr. Root reviewed dates
6. Parish News- Mr. Root reviewed upcoming parish dates.
7. Grad- Mr. Root reviewed dates
8. Shrove Tuesday- Stacked will provide batter. Mr. Root will send a link for parents to register to help. Pancakes will be delivered to classes
D. OAPCE Report- Rep. required
E. Staff Report
Jr. and Int. Basketball- Jr. Boys/ feb21st, Jr. Girls/ Feb19th, Int. Boys/ Feb. 27th, Int. Girls March 3
PD Day- This Friday
Pink Shirt Day- Feb. 26th
Primary Curling- Feb. 28th
7/8 Skating- Feb20th, March 4th
Ash Wednesday- March 5th- Grades 3-8 in the gym, digitally to the rest of the school
Badminton- March 6th
March Break- March 10-14
Gr. 2 Outdoor Ed.- March 3rd
Science in the Classroom- March 19th
3-8 Confession- March 20th
1st. Communion Retreat- April 2nd
Mathletes- March 27th
1st Reconciliation-April 2nd
Settlers Museum Trip- Gr. 3/ April 10-11
F. Agenda Items- Discussion for Future Meetings
1. Hot Lunch- Toonie Treat- dates reviewed
2. Spirit Wear- available at Maddalena-uniforms
3. Milk- Up and running
4. Volunteer sign up- Ongoing
5. Fundraising- card fundraiser, wine fundraiser for Mother’s Day, beer fundraiser for Father’s Day
G. Next Meeting- April 15th
H. Adjournment
I. Closing Prayer
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