Catholic School Council


    May 28, 2024

    6:00 PM


    A.Routine Matters

    1.  Opening Prayer- Mr. Ferrusi

    2.  Approval of the Agenda

    3.  Disclosure of Interest


    C. Principal’s Report

    1.  NCPIC- No meetings left this year.

    2.  SEAC-Mr. Root reviewed next meeting date

    3.  Financial Report- Mr. Root reviewed how much the school has left in Fundraising. (7241.67)

    4.  Policies being vetted- Mr. Ferrusi reviewed current policies being vetted

    5.  School Organization- Mr. Root reviewed changes in staffing for next year.

    6.  EQAO- Mr. commented that the Grade 3 students are done EQAO and the Grade 6 students are almost finished.

    7.  Parish News- Mr. Root reviewed Parish News.

    8.  Sports- Mr. Root commented that Ms. Losier will review sports events during the staff report.


    D. OAPCE Report- Rep. required


    E. Staff Report- Mrs. Losier reviewed the dates for the following events. They will all be on the school calendar.

    1. Track and Field

    2. K Open House

    3. PA Day

    4. Closing Mass

    5. Grad Mass

    6. Bridge Building

    7. Grad.

    8. Grade 6 Soccer Baseball

    9. Talent Show

    10. K. Grad.

    11. Great Wolf Lodge

    12. Grad. Hoodies




    F. Agenda Items- Discussion for Future Meetings

    1.  Hot Lunch- 2 hot lunches and a toonie treat in June.

    2.  Spirit Wear- Mr. Root will send out new items to CSC and he also reviewed timelines for Grad. Hoodies.

    3.  Milk- Mr. Root explained that we need to run milk program or we will lose our fridges.

    4.  Fundraising- Mr. Root explained

    5.  Fun Night



    H. Adjournment- 6:45 PM


    I.  Closing Prayer

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