800 – Schools and Community Councils
| No. 800.1
Adopted Date: February 24, 1998
| Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: March 19, 2024
1. The purpose of the Catholic School Council, through active participation of its members is:
· to build strong Catholic identity and community to nurture the distinctiveness of Catholic education;
· to advance student achievement and well-being for all students in their school community; and
· to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents/guardians.
2. A Catholic School Council achieves its purpose by making recommendations to the principal of the school and/or the Board.
3. A Catholic School Council shall make recommendations that represent the general views of the school community and the best interest of all students in the school. Recommendations shall be in keeping with the Mission, Vision and Values of the Niagara Catholic District School Board, the distinctive character of Catholic education, and will be respectful of the faith and traditions of the Catholic Church.
4. The Board will retain all the powers and duties specified in the Education Act .
1. To be eligible for election/appointment to the Catholic School Council, a person must:
· be a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school;
· reside within the jurisdiction of the Board; and
· support the Mission of Catholic education, and the Mission, Vision and Values of the Niagara Catholic District School Board.
2. A parent/guardian who is employed by the Board is qualified to be elected/appointed to the Catholic School Council, and shall at the first meeting; notify the members of employment with the Board prior to the election.
3. A person is not qualified to be a parent/guardian member of a Catholic School Council if the parent/guardian is employed at the school.
Elections shall be held within the first 30 calendar days of the start of the school year, on a date that has been selected by the current Chair and/or Co-Chair(s) of the Catholic School Council, in consultation with the principal of the school.
A vacancy in the membership of the Catholic School Council does not prevent the Catholic School Council from exercising its authority.
Vacancies on the Catholic School Council may occur when:
· a parent/guardian member has reached the end of a year term
· a member resigns
· a member is unable to fulfill their duties
A Catholic School Council shall meet between September to June at least four times in each school year. All meetings will be held at the school that has established the Catholic School Council and shall be open to the public. The principal shall provide written notice of the date, time and location of the meetings to parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school.
When a Catholic School Council votes on a matter, each member of the council other than the school principal is entitled to vote.
Every Catholic School Council shall develop By-Laws governing the establishment and the conduct of the council. A periodic review of the By-Laws will ensure that the By-Laws remain relevant. (Appendix A – By-laws Template)
A Catholic School Council shall not be incorporated.
Catholic School Councils shall be consulted by the principal of the school and/or the Board for recommendations on new and revised governance policies with respect to:
· the student achievement and well-being of all students
· the accountability of the education system to parents/guardians
· the code of conduct
· the appropriate dress code for students
· the allocation of funding to the Catholic School Council
· the fundraising activities by Catholic School Council members
· the resolution of internal Catholic School Council disputes
· the reimbursement of expenses of the Catholic School Council
· the Board and school action plans for improvement based on EQAO results and the communication of the plans to parents/guardian
· the criteria and process for selection and placement of principals/vice-principals
· any new educational initiatives at the Board and school levels
· the development of a plan for providing co-instructional activities
In addition, Catholic School Councils may provide advice to the principal of the school and/or the Board on any matters that the Catholic School Council identifies as priorities such as:
· the Catholic character of the school and/or the system
· the preparation of the school year calendar
· the development, implementation and review of all Board governance policies at the local level
· the involvement with the parish and liturgical celebrations and sacraments
· Board and/or school policies regarding educational field trips for students
· school budget priorities
· the community use of school facilities
· fundraising activities
· participation in the Niagara Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (NCPIC)
· information and training sessions: curriculum, program goals and priorities
· the school mission statement; and
· other issues deemed appropriate by the Board
The Catholic School Council shall consult with parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school about matters under consideration by the Catholic School Council.
All members of the Catholic School Council are required to be in compliance with the Board Complaint Resolution Policy No. 800.3 and the Catholic School Council By-Laws .
All members of the Catholic School Council are required to be in full compliance with the Board Code of Conduct Policy No. 302.6.2 and the By-Laws of the Catholic School Council.
Any funds and assets generated through fundraising activities supported by the Catholic School Council are the property of the Board.
· Any fundraising activities must be conducted in accordance with the Board Administrative Operational Procedures: Fundraising (301.4) and School Generated Funds (301.6) .
· Funds raised are to be used for a purpose approved by the principal of the school and/or the Board.
1. Every Catholic School Council shall annually submit a written report of its activities/fundraising to the principal of the school and to the Board.
2. On behalf of the Catholic School Council, the principal shall provide a copy of the report to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school by giving the report to the student for delivery or by posting the report in the school that is accessible to parents/guardians, or on the school website.
An individual shall not receive any remuneration for serving as a member or officer of a Catholic School Council.
· Education Act (O.Reg. 612/00 Section 1.1)
· Ministry of Education - School Councils, A Guide for Members
· Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) By-Law and Constitution
· Ontario Regulation 330/10 School Councils and Parent Involvement Committees
· Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Administrative Operational Procedures
o Board By-Laws Policy (100.1)
o Code of Conduct Policy (302.6.2)
Adopted Date:
Revision History: | February 24, 1998
September 26, 2000 July 16, 2003 July 4, 2005 March 5, 2007 July 8, 2008 September 22, 2008 January 6, 2009 January 25, 2011 June 18, 2013 March 28, 2017 December 18, 2018 November 9, 2021 March 19, 2024 |