2. Reference
      3. · Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 
      4. · Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Procedures
      5. o Accessibility Customer Service Policy (800.8.1)
      6. o Accessibility Standards Policy (800.8)
      7. o Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy (201.17)
      8. o Purchasing/Supply Chain Management Policy (600.1)


      altNiagara Catholic District School Board



      600 – Business Services
      No 600.5
      Adopted Date: March 27, 2007  

      Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: February 11, 2025



      In keeping with its Mission, Vision and Values, the Niagara Catholic District School Board, the following are Administrative Operational Procedures for Advertising Expenditures.




      The Board recognizes the value of advertising to inform and educate the public, about Niagara Catholic in general and about specific Board and school events, and to create awareness of educational programs, services, issues, events and community activities, for the overall benefit of the broader community and the stakeholders we serve. These Administrative Operational Procedures apply to all Niagara Catholic staff, the Board of Trustees and Catholic School Councils


      Board advertising refers to system-wide announcements, the promotion of events including but not limited to, school and program registrations, initiatives and partnerships, and other good news and promotional campaigns, which may be shared through paid advertising and unpaid advertising on various traditional and social media platforms.


      Board advertising in support of specific business practices of the Board includes, but is not limited to advertising for employment and volunteer opportunities, tendering of goods and services, accommodation reviews, and information regarding public meetings.


      All school and Board advertising and promotions, including the use of the Board logo and brandmark and appropriate brand colours, must be coordinated through the Communications and Community Engagement Officer prior to signing any contract or agreement for advertising. The Communications and Community Engagement Officer and the Family of Schools Superintendent of Education must approve any school advertising. School advertising is to be paid through the school budget


      Due diligence must be employed in the selection of the appropriate media, to minimize the cost and maximize the efficiency and the effectiveness of the advertising. Other factors to consider are in the consideration of the communications objectives, intended audiences, urgency of the message content, and competitive selection requirements.


      All final Board advertisements must be appropriate and consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of the Board and in accordance with the approved Board advertising and promotions budget.


      All information in Board advertising campaigns must be accurate. Facts or statistics presented in an ad must be verifiable.


      Images used in Board advertising are used with the express consent of the individual. Individuals who consent to participating in an advertising campaign are advised the potential uses for their image and may withdraw consent of use at any time without any reason.


      At all times, images in Board advertising should reflect the face of Niagara Catholic and include a diverse range of students and staff.


      All Board advertising must comply with any applicable laws and regulations.



      ·   Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010  

      ·   Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Procedures

      o   Accessibility Customer Service Policy (800.8.1)

      o   Accessibility Standards Policy (800.8)

      o   Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy (201.17)

      o   Purchasing/Supply Chain Management Policy (600.1)


      Adopted Date:


      Revision History:

      March 27, 2007


      April 28, 2020

      February 11, 2025





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      Advertising (600.5) Administrative Operational Procedures

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