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400 – Educational Programs | No 400.2
Adopted Date: May 26, 1998 | Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: September 11, 2023
In keeping with the Mission, Vision and Values of the Niagara Catholic District School Board, the following are Administrative Operational Procedures for Educational Field Trips.
The Board recognizes and encourages educational field trips as part of an enriching Catholic education for all students. All educational field trips: local, regional, provincial, as well as those of an extended nature to other parts of Canada or internationally must have a direct and enhancing relationship with the curriculum of the classroom.
When planning educational field trips every effort will be made to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to access all field trips. The dignity of every student and parent/guardian will be honoured in the collection of fees. If there is a direct cost to the student, participation is voluntary. Arrangements must be made for the continued education of those students not participating.
It is expected that all educational field trips involve preparatory, follow-up and assessment activities. When an educational field trip occurs on a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation, the principal/administrator is to ensure that an appropriate liturgy, including Eucharist, is conducted for all students, staff and supervisors.
Employees of the Board can participate and accompany students on approved education field trips, as appointed by the principal/administrator and approved by the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education to act as a chaperone to meet the supervision requirements of the Board.
Individuals, who are not employed by the Board, and are requested by the principal/administrator and approved by the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education to serve as a chaperone/volunteer to meet the supervision requirements of the Board, will require, prior to being appointed as a chaperone/volunteer, an acceptable Vulnerable Sector Background Check from the Niagara Regional Police Servicesor another police service.
The term educational field trips includes any event or program that has students leaving the school property for educational purposes including travel in Canada or internationally.
Educational Field Trips within Niagara Catholic are defined as:
1. Day Field Trips
A field trip which occurs within the regular school hours.
2. Extended Day Field TripsA field trip which extends beyond regular school hours, but does not include an overnight stay. A field trip in which students are driven to and/or picked up by parents/guardians at the school.
3. Overnight Field Trip (One to three nights)
A field trip that normally requires students to be lodged for one, two or three nights.
Overnight field trips of more than one night's duration shall be limited to one per class per school year, and shall be restricted to students of Grade 6 and up (Grades 5/6 combination excepted).
4. Extended Overnight Field Trip (Four or more nights or flight ticket of $600.00 or more)
A field trip that requires four or more nights’ lodgings, or requiring an individual flight ticket of
$600.00 or more.
An extended overnight field trip which involves more than one school will follow the same procedures and will require the approval of the principal/administrator and the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education of all participating schools at the time of submission for approval.
5. Continuing Education Credit ProgramsCredit courses organized during the school year or during the summer require approval from the principal/administrator of Continuing Education, the Superintendent of Education responsible for Continuing Education and the Director of Education.
6. ExchangesSchool-to-School exchanges are available for all elementary and secondary students in Niagara Catholic. Applications must be made by the principal/administrator to the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education and include detailed plans and financial expenditures regarding the educational, cultural and linguistic aspects of a school-to-school exchange.
Principals/Administrators are to ensure that there is a formalized reciprocal agreement between participating schools. School-to-School exchanges can take place at any time during the calendar year and require the approval of the principal/administrator, Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education, Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Committee and the Director of Education prior to any authorization to participate.
Student exchanges may be planned for elementary or secondary students by parents/guardians. Prior to any commitment, parents/guardians are to discuss the student exchange request with the principal/administrator for approval. In considering the request, the principal/administrator is to ensure that there is a formalized reciprocal agreement with the student exchange company for an exchange to take place in a mutually agreed upon school year prior to submission to the Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Approval Committee.
7. ExcursionAn excursion is a trip that is planned and arranged for secondary school students that would be held during the year when students are not normally expected to be attending classes and that may not adhere to all guidelines and procedures relating to educational field trips. Approval will not normally be granted for excursions that require students and/or staff to be away from school on a regularly scheduled instructional school day.
The following are required expectations/educational goals of all educational field trips:
· where reasonable and practical, educational field trips shall be in the Niagara Region and surrounding area
· all educational field trips will follow Niagara Public Health guidelines and protocols (if required)
· educational and year-end field trips must be in alignment with Catholic values that call for us to protect the well-being of all God’s creations. When choosing an excursion to any attraction where
animals are held in captivity, teachers/principals shall consider the reputation of the attraction and vet it with any relevant agencies, including the Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) (CAZA) to ensure that no investigations are under way or charges of animal cruelty have been laid or are pending
· provisions are to be made for students with special education, accommodation and/or accessibility needs, these provisions are to be co-developed in partnership between the school, the student, the student’s parents/guardians, provider of transportation, and the venue of the educational field trip
· the principal/administrator, or designate, shall contact Student Support Services for input regarding special accommodations
· directly enhance specific curriculum expectations designed to improve student knowledge, and global awareness
· enhances the spiritual, esthetic, cultural, intellectual, athletic or social experiences of students.· support Social Justice objectives that are classified as educational field trips since social justice expectations are provided in all subject based curricula within Niagara Catholic
· are made available to every student at the appropriate grade level; exceptions respecting individual students may be made at the discretion of the principal/administrator
· are extension of the classroom and school with all expectations enforced
· begin the moment the students leave the school property· regular school attendance with appropriate programming is expected for those students not participating in the educational field trip
· are supervised by an employee of the Board, unless otherwise approved by the principal/administrator and Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education
All requests for educational field trips must be approved in accordance with the administrative operational procedures prior to any announcement to students and parents/guardians. Interest may be solicited with clear communication indicating that the educational field trip will only occur pending approval.
2. Requests for overnight educational field trips must be completed on the applicable form(s). Three(3) written proposals from tour/travel companies must be attached when being submitted to the principal/administrator for consideration and/or approval.
ii. Upon approval of the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education, and if required, the request will be submitted to the Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Approval Committee.
3. Any educational field trip may be cancelled at any time by a principal/administrator and/or Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education, if required.
Applicable Forms
· Airline / Tour Company / Insurance Checklist
· OFSAA Transportation Form
· Request for Co-instructional Participation Form
· Request for Educational Day and Extended Day Field Trip Form· Request for Overnight Field Trip, Extended Overnight Field Trip and Excursion Form
· Request for Continuing Education Credit Program Overnight Field, Extended Overnight Field Trip Exchange and Excursion Form
· Request to Transport Student Consent Form
· Volunteer Drivers - Authorization to Transport Students
All requests for educational field trips must be approved in accordance with the administrative operational procedures:
Day and Extended Day Educational Field Trips (not including overnight)
Complete request forms for day and extended day educational field trips must be submitted to the principal/administrator for consideration/approval.
Principals/administrators may approve:
· trips within walking distance of a school;
· half-day or full day trips; and
· extended school day trips, but not continuing overnight.Overnight Educational Field Trips (One to three nights)
All overnight educational field trips (one to three nights lodging), including athletic and academic tournaments and competitions require the approval of the principal/administrator and the Family of Schools' Superintendent of Education.
Extended Overnight Field Trips, Continuing Education Credit Programs, Exchanges and/or Excursion All extended overnight educational field trips and/or excursions require the approval of the principal/administrator, the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education, Senior Administrative Council and the Extended Overnight Field Trip and Excursion Approval Committee and the Director of Education.
The Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Approval Committee is comprised of:
· 1 Superintendent of Education
· 1 Elementary School Principal
· 1 Secondary School Principal
· 1 Secondary School Vice-Principal
· 1 Program Department Consultant
Approved requests are to be forwarded to the Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Approval Committee at least six (6) months prior to the planned activity. Exceptions to the timelines can be made at the discretion of the respective Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education in consultation with Senior Administrative Council.
Submissions to the Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Approval Committee must be made prior to the first Fridays in June, October and February.
All requests shall include:
· Request for Overnight Field Trip, Extended Overnight Field Trip and Excursion Form
· Airline / Tour Company / Insurance Checklist
A copy of the proposed itinerary.
Additional written information that will assist the committee in its consideration of the request.
All approved trips by the Extended Overnight Field Trip, Exchange and Excursion Committee will be reported to the Senior Administrative Council for consideration. Only educational field trips approved by Senior Administrative Council will be reported to the Board of Trustees for information. Following notification of the Board, the principal/administrator will be informed in writing of the approval, and can proceed with the planning of the trip.
1. An unapproved trip is one, which has not followed the process outlined to receive official approval or is one, which has followed process, but has been denied. Neither the school nor the Board will sponsor, promote or participate in the planning of any unapproved trip.
All requests for educational field trips must be approved prior to any announcement to students and parents/guardians.
Written permission/consent from parents/guardians must be obtained for all approved educational field trips. However, a signed parental consent form is recommended but not required for a day trip beyond school property where the students will be traveling on foot, or is part of non-optional program or Board expectations of students. (i.e., day retreats, Church liturgies, graduation practices, graduation celebrations)
· Although specific notification and application are not necessary for such trips, it is essential that parents/guardians be made aware of the fact that such trips may take place throughout the school year as part of the total school curriculum or Board expectations. It is mandatory that such awareness be created by means of information letters and/or newsletters throughout the school year.
Parents/guardians whose children may be involved in an approved overnight field trip or excursion shall be invited to a meeting where the trip proposal will be explained in detail and their support of the proposed trip solicited. A written consent form will be completed and signed by a parent/guardian granting approval for their child to participate in the proposed trip.
Letter to Parents/GuardiansThe supervising teacher shall, send home a Permission/Informed Consent Form (Day Trip) or a Permission/Informed Consent Form (Overnight and Extended Trips) . (See Appendix A and B also) with trip details (educational objective, destination, dates, departure/return times and pick up arrangements, method of transportation, accommodations, meals, itemized costs and itinerary, as applicable). Parents/guardians are to sign and return the form to the supervising teacher. The signed documentation of all trips shall be retained for the current school year until the successful completion of that trip.
1. An itinerary of each trip must be available in the school office in order that the principal/administrator may contact the supervising teacher in-charge if an emergency arises.
2. A list of participants including students, staff, and volunteers/chaperons must accompany the group and a copy must be submitted to the school office. If students are travelling by various means, each group and vehicle must be identified.
3. Provision shall be made by the principal/administrator that an individual at the school site will be available to be contacted should an emergency arise at any time during the trip or if a return is delayed. Parents/Guardians are to be contacted as soon as possible.
4. The supervising teacher in-charge/teacher designate has the right to change the itinerary of the trip if, at their discretion, an emergency or dangerous situation arises, or as the situation warrants. Any change to the itinerary must be communicated to the principal/administrator, and as determined by the principal/administrator based on the nature of the change of itinerary, communicated with parents/guardians of students on the field trip.
1. The supervising teacher shall obtain relevant medical information about each student and also authorization to procure medical attention in the event of an emergency.
4. For students who require medication, the routine parental consent form is to be completed and an adequate supply of medicine is to be secured.
6. Water Safety
Water safety requires close and direct supervision at all times. Teachers must inform parents/guardians when the trip will include planned water activities.
7. Swimming and Water Activities including Rowing
Notwithstanding year end field trips, recreation swimming is prohibited unless it is an integral part of the program. With the exception of Board sanctioned co-instructional rowing programs, and regattas, when students are in public or private pools, or natural bodies of water, the principal/administrator shall designate, as adults in-charge of the water safety, only individuals who have a valid and current lifeguarding certificate: Red Cross Safety: Bronze Cross - minimum qualifications.
Ratios: 1:10 natural bodies of water 1:20 private poolIn Public Pools, the appropriate Public Health By-Laws will prevail.
8. Year End Field Trips
Field trips that include water parks, public beaches, private pools, etc. are at the discretion of the principal/administrator providing all safety and supervision procedures are adhered to as described in the O.P.H.E.A. Safety Services Package at http://safety.ophea.net/ .
9. Non-Commercial/Recreational and Co-Instructional Boating
Boating trips are generally to be organized only for secondary school students. Principals/ Administrators must obtain the prior approval of the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education to plan a non-commercial/recreational boating trip. (See O.P.H.E.A. Safety Guidelines)
Ratios: 1:8 on a trip
1:10 water activities in a confined area with a clear overall view and reasonable distance to craft
· With the exception of Board sanctioned co-instructional rowing programs, and regattas, all students must wear a properly fastened M.O.T. approved life jacket or personal flotation device when in a boat or canoe.
Instruction in boating, sailing and canoeing must be supervised by suitably qualified teachers or adults.
It is the responsibility of the trip supervisor to ascertain that instructors in these activities are qualified according to current regulations.
All students and adult supervisors must acquire at least minimum competency levels as determined by the qualified instructors before participating in a boating excursion.
Prior to any boating, canoeing or rowing program, the swimming ability of each student must be ascertained. To be considered a swimmer the student must demonstrate to qualified personnel, (the skills outlined in the O.P.H.E.A. Safety Services Package) that they are able to:
· Tread water for 5 minutes;
· H.E.L.P. (Heat Escape Lessening Position) and huddle with P.F.D. (Personal Flotation Device) on for 5 minutes
· Field trips involving commercial ship, ferry or other boat cruises are not prohibited by this policy.
See O.P.H.E.A. Safety Services Package
10. Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding Trips or Co-Instructional Activities
Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding Trips are permitted only for Grade 4 to Grade 12 students. Principals/Administrators are to ensure that adequate supervision is in place and that qualified instructors are available to provide the necessary training and instruction (See O.P.H.E.A. Safety Guidelines).
All students participating in a school sponsored ski/snowboarding trip will be required to provide and wear a Canadian Standards Association (CSA) properly fitted, snow sport certified ski helmet
indicating the helmet is approved as a ski helmet specifically designed for skiing or snowboarding. (i.e., ASTM, CE, SNELL)
It is a requirement that all staff and chaperones participating in a school-sponsored ski/ snowboarding trip provide and wear a Canadian Standards Association (CSA) ski helmet indicating the helmet is approved as a ski helmet specifically designed for skiing or snowboarding.For these activities, all equipment must be provided or rented by the participant.
Principals/Administrators will ensure that prior to boarding a bus to depart on a ski trip or co- instructional activity, all students prove to the staff supervisor that (a) they are in possession of an approved ski helmet for their individual use or (b) show written proof that they have reserved an approved ski helmet at the ski resort.
Staff supervisors will record on a trip/activity list of participating students that the student is in possession of an approved ski helmet to wear at all times while skiing/snowboarding.
Students who are not in compliance with this requirement will be prohibited from participating in optional ski trips/co-instructional activities.
Parent/guardian approval letters for participation in ski/snowboarding trips or co-instructional activities will include the following acknowledgements signed by parents/guardians:
· that students will be skiing/boarding on their own, parents/guardians are to impress upon their child to follow all safety rules including wearing a properly certified and fitted ski/boarding helmet at all times while skiing/boarding;
· that parents/guardians will provide their child with all certified safety equipment for the activity;
· that skiing/boarding is a high-risk sport and students are accountable for their own safety;· that student consequences are in place for non-compliance which could include the exclusion from the activity for the rest of that day and/or a revoking of a ski/boarding pass for the remainder of the season; and
· that the school nor the Board is responsible for any accident or financial loss.11. Procedures in Cases of Student Injury or Illness
· In the event of serious injury or illness to the student, the individual nearest to the incident shall begin appropriate emergency action: ensure breathing, the stoppage of blood flow, ensure the injured student's comfort. This will include immediately notifying a person qualified in first aid. If the individual in-charge is not present, they are to be notified immediately and proper procedures initiated.
· The individual in-charge shall establish and follow an emergency action plan.
· All teachers are encouraged to undergo training in first aid and C.P.R.12. Additional Coverage
All Niagara Catholic District School Board students are encouraged to purchase the Accident Insurance Policy offered by the school Board each September.
13. Health Insurance Out of Province
Because of the high cost of health services in other countries, parents/guardians must submit proof of an out-of-province health insurance policy which will cover children on a school tour out of the province or out of country, in the case of an international trip.
It is the responsibility of the student’s parent/guardian to provide, or arrange for supervision of a student who is sent home by the supervisor in-charge. All costs to provide for such supervision is incurred by the parent/guardian.
1. Educational field trips are to be under the supervision of at least one teacher or, in unique situations, any Board employee or designate approved by the principal/administrator and Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education. Where more than one employee of the Board participates in an educational field trip, the principal/administrator shall designate one as the individual “in-charge”. Principals/Administrators shall ensure that all precautions for the safety, comfort and supervision of participating students are taken.
3. All trips outside of Canada or the continental United States require a minimum of two (2) supervisors/chaperones recommended by the principal/administrator, and approved by the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education.
4. The following minimum adult-to-student ratios are required. As soon as the number of students increases by one over the ratio, another supervisor must be added.
School Trips:
JK-K Grade 1 to 6Grade 7 to 8 Grade 9 to 12
Walking Tours – One Day Trips
1:20One Day Trips 1:10 1:10 1:15 1:20 Overnight Trips N/A N/A 1:10 1:15 Overnight Trips Outside Canada or the
Continental United StatesN/A N/A 1:10 1: 14+1 additional supervisor
5. Principals/Administrators shall ensure that a sufficient number of supervisors/chaperones accompany the students in order that the visit or field trip will be a safe and valid educational experience. Some circumstances will require additional instructional staff than others in order that the students obtain the maximum benefit from their excursion.
In determining supervision requirements, principals/administrators shall ensure that:· the number of supervisors/chaperones comply with the adult-to-student ratios as required by the Board.
· all staff beyond those organizing the overnight field trip or excursion are notified of the opportunity to supervise or chaperone the trip.
· supervisors/chaperones may be parent/guardian volunteers approved by the principal/administrator to act as official school chaperones.
· the selection of additional supervisors/chaperones will be recommended by the principal/administrator after consultation with the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education.
6. If a program includes students of both genders, and extends overnight, then supervisors/chaperones of both genders must accompany the trip. Under exceptional circumstances, the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education may waive this provision, and parents/guardians will be notified of this documented exception, and a notation will be made on file.
9. Students or staff who request to leave the group on an approved field trip, such as to meet a family member, must submit a request, in writing, to the principal/administrator prior to the departure of the field trip. The principal/administrator will determine if arrangements can be made to assist with the request providing it does not interfere with the travel arrangements of the group. If approval is granted by the principal/administrator, it is permitted with the condition that:
· a staff member, chaperone or supervisor must meet with a designated family member prior to a student’s departure and upon return to the group;
· the student or staff member must report to the chaperone/supervisor upon their return; and,· any delay in meeting with the group at the designated time and location is not the responsibility of the Board and will not adversely affect the travel arrangements of the group; and,
· students or staff who miss returning to the group will incur any costs for the delay or will be solely responsible for alternate transportation arrangements to either meet the group at a designated location or to return home.
1. All costs associated with an educational field trip must be considered, itemized and included in the original application being considered by the principal/administrator.
2. Principals/Administrators should take steps to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in a planned trip (excluding excursions). This may include partial or complete financial subsidy for some students.
6. Supervisors/chaperones that comply with the required adult: student ratios will participate free of charge. The costs associated with compliance will be recovered either through a combination of complimentary tickets and/or a surcharge to students.
For example:
36 participating students generates 6 complimentary tickets.Based on these procedures, 36 students require three (3) supervisors who travel free. Therefore there are three (3) complimentary tickets remaining.
The principal/administrator would inform staff that three (3) complimentary travel spaces are available with financial assistance up to 25% of the cost of the trip. The difference of the three
(3) complimentary tickets would be used to defray the cost paid by students participating in the program.
1. General Considerations
· While the Board does not recommend using private passenger vehicles to transport students to a school related activity, all staff members (administrators/teachers/support staff) or volunteer drivers must complete the Volunteer Drivers - Authorization to Transport Students Form and have authorization from the principal/administrator.
· In the event that privately owned automobiles are used in the transportation of students, only fully-graduated licensed drivers authorized by the principal/administrator shall be permitted to transport the students.
· A passenger list containing the name of the driver and the names of each student in the vehicle must be made, with one copy provided to the driver of the vehicle, and one copy retained at the school. Only the students on the passenger list are permitted in the designated vehicle.
· All parents/guardians of the students transported by volunteer drivers must be informed of the transportation arrangements and liability by providing a signed letter consenting to their child being transported by the approved volunteer driver. (Reference: Request to Transport Student Consent Form )
· When an activity is completed, principals/administrators will ensure that prior to the event, a student provides written permission from their parent/guardian to allow them to:
o return to the school with the volunteer driver;
o receive a ride home from another parent as identified on the permission letter; or
o receive a ride home from an identified parent/guardian.
passengers unless licensed under the Highway Traffic Act as a bus and the driver is licensed appropriately.
· Individuals transporting students in private motor vehicles should be sure that their Automobile Public Liability Insurance coverage is valid and current and meets the Board's requirements. The Board, however, maintains an Excess Liability Insurance Policy, which covers all employees and volunteers who are transporting students within Canada and Continental United States on behalf of the Board to a combined limit of $20,000,000.00. This Administrative Operational Procedure comes into effect if a judgment arises against that employee or volunteer resulting from use of his vehicle and is in excess of the limit carried by the individual on their personal policy.
· It is expected that all parents/guardians of students being transported in Private Motor Vehicles have O.P.C.F. 44 Coverage with their own Insurance Policy.
· When a school group is staying in a remote area, teachers are advised to have a vehicle available for emergency transport of students, in the event of medical emergency, to the nearest appropriate Medical Facility.
· Where staff or parent/guardian volunteers provide transportation, a seat belt must be provided for each student.
2. Rental Vehicles
· Vehicles may be rented for student transportation to school board events.· Vehicle rental is limited to 30 days or less. Rented vehicle use is for approved school board business only.
· Employees who rent vehicles in Ontario under their own name may be exposing their own insurance policies to a claim for any damage or injury which may occur
swhile the vehicle is in their custody or control. The Board has purchased the OPCF 27 endorsement, in the event of a third party liability loss, the fleet policy is the primary coverage, therefore removing the exposure to an employee’s personal policy, and transferring to the Board’s fleet policy.
· To avoid personal liability, the rental contract must clearly show the Niagara Catholic District School Board as the “renter.” For example, Renter: Niagara Catholic District School Board, Name of School, Name of Teacher.
· When vehicles are rented to transport students the Deductible Waiver or Collision Damage Coverage from the rental agency must be purchased. Without this coverage in place, when a vehicle is rented for Board purposes, the primary liability coverage comes from the personal policy of the driver, whether it be an employee or a volunteer.
· In the event of an accident, contact the car rental agency immediately.3. Air Travel
· Air Travel shall be arranged through properly licensed travel agencies or airlines.
· Students, staff, chaperones and supervisors must purchase cancellation insurance.
Prior to approving all travel requests by staff, principals/administrators are to clearly understand the answers to the questions on the Airline/Tour Company/Insurance Checklist as they apply to individual trip applications.
Principals/Administrators are to:
· record the answers and file responses at the school;
· submit the responses with the checklist to the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education;· instruct the tour supplier to forward a letter outlining their understanding of the Terms and Conditions prior to any finalization/approval of the trip. (provide a copy of Airline / Tour Company / Insurance Checklist to agent if required)
· when applicable, determine the exact date and time period each policy is in effect and the length of time it remains in effect. (i.e., cancellation of trip without penalty must be made by - date and time; cancellation with fifty-percent refund must be made by - date and time; cancellation done in writing individually or by the entire group signing a letter etc.).
· Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
· Education Statutes and Regulations of Ontario
· Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA)
· Ontario School Boards Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) :Risk Management Advisory
· Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Procedures
o Volunteer Drivers (302.4) AOP
o Volunteering in Catholic Schools (800.9) AOP
o Student Fees (301.11) AOP
Adopted Date: Revision History: | May 26, 1998
· Collision with natural or man-made objects or other persons; hard surfaces; flying objects; physical agility including rapid movements and quick turns and stops;
· Collision with natural or man-made objects or other persons; hard surfaces; flying objects; physical agility including rapid movements and quick turns and stops;
· Physical exertion;