Niagara Catholic District School Board
300 – School/Students
| Policy No 302.1
Adopted Date: February 26, 2019
| Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: January 25, 2022
The purpose of the Supporting Children and Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions policy and procedures is intended to ensure that school staff and any others in contact with students diagnosed with prevalent medical conditions are familiar with the child’s Plan of Care and prepared to handle an emergency.
The Board recognizes that students with prevalent medical conditions need a safe environment in which to learn. They have the right to participate fully in opportunities and experiences that all children enjoy.
Parents/guardians have the primary responsibility to inform school authorities about their child’s medical condition(s) and to transmit relevant information to school staff.
Open, ongoing communication between parents/guardians, school staff, and any others in contact with students diagnosed with prevalent medical conditions regarding medical needs of students is necessary to ensure a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment.
When responding to a medical emergency, a staff member is acting according to the principle of “in loco parentis” and is not acting as a health care professional.
A Plan of Care for each student with a prevalent medical condition shall include:
· Details informing employees and others who are in direct contact with the student on a regular basis of monitoring and avoidance strategies and appropriate treatment
· Up-to-date information regarding any medication that the pupil is taking. A readily accessible emergency procedure for the pupil, including emergency contact
· Details related to the storage of the pupil’s medication including whether the pupil is permitted to carry their medication and whether any spare medication is kept in the school and, if so, where it is stored.
1. Parents/Guardians:
As primary caregivers of their child, parents/guardian are expected to be active participants in supporting the management of their child’s medical condition(s). At a minimum, parents/guardians should:
1.1. Educate their child about their medical condition(s) with support from their child’s health care professional as needed.
1.2. Guide and encourage their child to reach their full potential for self-management and self-advocacy.
1.3. Inform the school of their child’s medical condition(s) and co-create the Plan of Care for their child with the Principal/Designate.
1.4. Communicate to the Principal or the Principal/Designate changes to the Plan of Care, such as changes to the status of their child’s medical condition(s) or changes to their child’s ability to manage the medical condition(s).
1.5. Confirm annually with the Principal/Designate the updated medical status of their child.
1.6. Participate in annual meetings to review their child’s Plan of Care.
1.7. Supply their child and/or school with sufficient quantities of medication and supplies in their original, clearly labelled containers, as directed by a health care professional and as outlined in the Plan of Care.
1.8. Track expiration dates of all medication supplied.
1.9. Seek medical advice from health care professionals (medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or pharmacist) as needed.
2. Students :
Depending on their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical stage of development, and their capacity for self-management, students are expected to actively support the development and implementation of their Plan of Care. Students should:
2.1. Advocate for their personal safety and well-being in a manner that is consistent with their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical stage of developmental and their capacity for self-management.
2.2. Participate in the development of their Plan of Care where appropriate.
2.3. Participate in meetings to review their Plan of Care where appropriate.
2.4. To the best of their ability, self-manage their medical condition, as described in their Plan of Care (e.g., carry their medication and medical supplies, follow school board policies on disposal of medication and medical supplies).
2.5. Where appropriate, set goals for self-managing their medical condition(s), in conjunction with their parents/guardians, health care professional, and communicate their goals to the principal/designate.
2.6. Communicate with their parents/guardians and school staff if they are facing challenges related to their medical condition(s) at school.
2.7. Wear medical alert identification that they and/or their parents/guardians deem appropriate.
2.8. If possible, inform school staff and/or their peers if a medical incident or medical emergency occurs.
3. School Staff
As key partners who support the successful integration of students with prevalent medical conditions, school staff will:
3.1. Review the contents of the Plan of Care for any student with whom they have direct contact.
3.2. Annually, participate in training on prevalent medical conditions.
3.3. Share information on a student’s signs and symptoms with other students if the parents/guardians give written consent to do so and as outlined in the Plan of Care.
3.4. Support strategies that reduce the risk of exposing students to triggers or causative agents in classrooms, common school areas, and extracurricular activities, in accordance with the student’s Plan of Care.
3.5. Support a student’s daily or routine management and respond to medical incidents and medical emergencies.
3.6. Support inclusion by allowing students with prevalent medical conditions to perform daily or routine activities in a school location and to enable students with prevalent medical conditions to participate in school to their full potential.
3.7. Post the Plan of Care in the classroom and any other designated areas in the school as necessary, while being aware of confidentiality and the dignity of the student.
3.8. Communicate with parents/guardians in advance regarding classroom celebrations, parties, or other special activities where food may be served.
3.9. Communicate with parents/guardians after unplanned exercise or extra-curricular activity.
3.10. If a student becomes unresponsive at any time or their condition requires medical judgement, immediately contact 911.
4. Principal
In addition to the responsibilities outlined under “School Staff”, the Principal/designate will:
4.1. Communicate to parents/guardians and appropriate staff the process for parents/guardians to notify the school of their child’s medical condition(s) as well as the expectation for parents/guardians to co-create, review, and update a Plan of Care. This process should be communicated to parents/guardians:
· During the time of registration;
· At the start of every school year;
· When a child is diagnosed, their condition changes, and/or the child returns to school.
4.2. Co-create, review, or update the Plan of Care for a student with a prevalent medical condition with the parents/guardians in consultation with the appropriate school staff, Board staff, and with the student when appropriate.
4.3. Maintain a shared record with relevant school staff that contains the Plan of Care and supporting documentation for each student with a prevalent medical condition.
4.4. Provide relevant information from the student’s Plan of Care to school staff and others who are identified in the Plan of Care (e.g., food service providers, transportation providers, volunteers, occasional staff who will be in direct contact with student) including any revisions that are made to the Plan of Care.
4.5. Communicate with parents/guardians of any medical emergencies as outlined in the Plan of Care.
4.6. Encourage the identification of staff who can support the daily or routine management needs of students in the school with a prevalent medical condition.
4.7. Ensure that the Plan of Care for each student with a prevalent medical condition is posted in the classroom, staff room, office area, health room, attendance, and storage area for medications.
4.8. Ensure occasional staff are informed about the needs of students with prevalent medical conditions under their care.
4.9. Invite approved health care experts to address/inform classes on prevalent medical conditions.
5. School Board :
The Niagara Catholic District School Board is responsible for:
5.1 Providing training opportunities and resources on prevalent medical conditions;
5.2 Developing strategies that reduce the risk of student exposure to triggers or causative agents;
5.3 Developing expectations to support the safe storage and disposal of medication and medical supplies;
5.4 Communicating the expectation that students can carry their medication and supplies to support management of their medical condition.
Adopted Date:
Revision History: | February 26, 2019
January 25, 2022 |