200 – Human Resources
| No. 203.2
Adopted Date: October 22, 2019
| Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: January 6, 2025
An Emergency Instructor, as named by the Niagara Catholic District School Board, is:
i. a person who is not certified as a teacher;
ii. 18 years of age or older;
iii. holder of an Ontario secondary school diploma; and
iv. appointed, on a daily basis to a maximum of ten school days, to instruct in the case of an emergency.
Emergency Instructors shall only be assigned to a classroom when the following are not available for deployment in schools:
· Occasional Teachers on the Roster
· Retirees on the Retiree Emergency List
· Emergency Instructors in a Faculty of Education program
It will be at the principal’s discretion to deploy Emergency Instructors if a classroom at the school is not filled with an Occasional Teacher as per the call-out process.
A Board registered Emergency Instructor may be called upon, as a casual worker, to cover a classroom in the absence of the classroom teacher for a part or a full day. Careful consideration is given to the selection of people to fulfill these roles. The Emergency Instructor will be given training in school procedures and is subject to a Criminal Background Check/ Vulnerable Sector Screening before entering the classroom. If there are any questions regarding the emergency instructor, please contact the principal of the school.
a) The principal is to create an unqualified Emergency Instructor list at each school.
b) The principal and/or vice-principal will interview prospective Emergency Instructors as selected by the principal. The interview will include such issues as confidentiality, classroom procedures, and the safety and well-being of all students in the classroom.
c) Prior to commencing employment, Emergency Instructors will be required to provide a Criminal Background Check/ Vulnerable Sector Screening, to the Human Resources Department.
As emergency instructor has no formal training, expertise or certification as a professional educator, it is imperative that arrangements be made, under the direction of the principal or vice-principal to ensure that an Emergency Instructor maintain “proper order and discipline in the teacher’s classroom and while on duty in the school and on the school grounds,” (Section 264 Education Act). In order to facilitate this, the principal or vice-principal is required to remain in contact with the Emergency Instructor on a frequent basis throughout the school day to ensure safety of all students.
Emergency Instructors should be given information/training on the following prior to entering a classroom for the first time:
a) the use of the telephone in the classroom, school and classroom rules and procedures including all safety plans (Fire Drill, Bomb Threat, Intruder Alert, Emergency Evacuation etc.). This information is to be provided to all individuals replacing the regular teacher;
b) schedules and procedures for lunch, recess and preparation/planning time as well as arrival, dismissal and transportation routines and times;
c) debriefing on the unique needs of certain students in the classroom, so they are prepared to handle any situation that may arise (e.g., high-risk students, medical needs, special education needs, emotional or physical needs and any issues of court orders - i.e., custody situations); and,
d) an introduction to at least one classroom teacher in close proximity to their designated classroom, in case of a delay in contacting a member of the administrative team.
At the conclusion of the interview or prior to the first working day, the Emergency Instructor will sign an acknowledgement form confirming that they are aware of school routines, emergency routines and the importance of confidentiality. Once signed, this Documentation and Acknowledgement Form should be sent along with the completed package to the attention of Human Resources Services.
The Emergency Instructor shall follow the teaching plan left by the classroom teacher. Where this is not possible, the principal/vice-principal will provide the required directions to the Emergency Instructor in order to develop a classroom routine for the day. Activities which require the expertise of a qualified teacher, specific skills, safety knowledge, or specific knowledge of an activity should not be undertaken unless the principal/vice-principal is satisfied that the Emergency Instructor is able to perform the tasks involved.
Principals should ensure that the deployment of an Emergency Instructor is undertaken only after all attempts to obtain a qualified teacher have not been successful.
To ensure an open communication with parents/guardians, the following message shall be issued:
The Niagara Catholic District School Board is committed to ensuring that qualified teachers are teaching in our classrooms at all times. From time to time, in extenuating circumstances, this may not be possible. A Board registered Emergency Instructor may be called upon, as a casual worker, to cover a classroom in the absence of the classroom teacher for a part or a full day. Careful consideration is given to the selection of people to fulfill these roles, and the Emergency Instructor is given training in school procedures and is subject to a Criminal Background Check/ Vulnerable Sector Screening before entering the classroom. If there are any questions, please contact the principal of the school.
· Education Statutes and Regulations of Ontario
· Ontario Human Rights Code
Adopted Date:
Revision History: | October 22, 2019
April 4, 2024 December 9, 2024 January 6, 2025 |