200 – Human Resources
| No 201.4
Adopted Date: December 22, 1998
| Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: June 20, 2023
In keeping with the Mission, Vision, and Values of the Niagara Catholic District School Board, the following are Administrative Operational Procedures for the Reimbursement of Travel Expenses.
The Board shall provide reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses incurred while on Board approved business. The Board is committed to ensuring travel reimbursement expenses are associated with employee’s and Trustee’s duties and continue to maximize benefits to the Board.
Travel cost reimbursements will be paid to eligible employees for travel on approved Board business to various destinations, as follows:
1. Employees scheduled between work sites, where assigned by the board to such sites (For clarity where an Employee elects to apply for positions which require travel between work sites, no travel cost reimbursement shall be paid).2. Employees travelling within the Board's jurisdiction on business, with the approval of their Supervisor.
3. Employees travelling outside the Board's jurisdiction, with the approval of their Supervisor.
1. All travel at the start of day and end of day between home and any Niagara Catholic work site is the responsibility of the employee.
2. All travel costs between Niagara Catholic work sites are eligible for reimbursement when an employee is scheduled for two assignments on the same day and the employee is eligible for reimbursement.3. All distances claimed for reimbursement will be determined by the shortest route. A schedule of predetermined distances between Board sites will be provided. For distance travelled outside of Board sites a copy of the most effective and efficient route travelled as provided by Google Maps will be provided as backup for the distance claimed .
4. During weekends, with the approval of their Supervisor, eligible employees will be reimbursed for the distance actually travelled on Board business, unless the individual is paid overtime.
5. Employees participating in full day conferences, meetings, workshops or general activities organized within the Niagara Region will not be eligible for travel reimbursement. The location of the conference, meeting, workshop or general activity will be designated as a Niagara Catholic site for the duration of the activity.
Employees will receive an allowance on a per-kilometer rate that is deemed reasonable by the Niagara Catholic District School Board in accordance with the amounts prescribed in section 7306 of the Income Tax Regulations.
These rates will be used as a guideline to determining the annual per-kilometre rate paid to Niagara Catholic Employees and Trustees as recommended by the Superintendent of Business and Financial Services to the Director of Education for approval. Employees will be notified when the annual per-kilometre rate is changed through a Memorandum issued by the Superintendent of Business & Financial Services.
Eligible employees will be reimbursed at the approved rate, as follows:
1. For eligible permanent staff, reimbursement of travel will be completed in the Board’s accounting web-app, Employee Centre, Access to Employee Centre will be provided by the Controller of Business and Financial Services.
2. For casual and occasional staff, the Reimbursement of Travel Expenses Form is to be completed. This form is to be completed electronically, printed, and signed by the employee and their Supervisor/Superintendent and then forwarded to the appropriate Superintendent/ Controller of Facilities Services. Hand written submissions will not be accepted.3. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses shall be submitted on a monthly basis within the current school year.
4. The approval for travel reimbursement submitted beyond 60 days of travel dates will be at the discretion of the Superintendent of Business and Financial Services.
References· Income Tax Regulations C.R.C, c.945 Income Tax Act
· Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Procedures
o Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy (201.17)
Adopted Date: | December 22, 1998 |
Revision History: | April 25, 2000
April 23, 2002 September 1, 2005 August 28, 2006 September 1, 2008 October 28, 2014 May 24, 2016 April 19, 2021 April 19, 2023 |