2. One Family in Christ: Love Him


      One Family in Christ: Love Him


      SLIDE 1 – Opening Prayer

      Jesus, you call to our hearts once more: “leave anything that holds you back from deeper love. Come, follow me.” As we begin our new school year may we continue to follow you as one family in Christ. Despite our differences, our weakness or struggles, our gifts or talents, may we remember your call to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

      SLIDE 2 – Zacchaeus

      I am Zacchaeus. I, too, need to leave behind my concerns of what other will think of me. Jesus, when you approach my tree of life, when you ask to come to the home of my heart, may I be ready. Help me to respond to your call and to live the message of the gospel, even though I may experience criticism and rejection.

      SLIDE 3 – Mary

      I am Mary of Nazareth. I must leave some security behind. The challenge of the unknown is there for me. Jesus you know the questions in my heart. When you send your messengers to me, I want to be open to receive them. May I say with deep trust in you, “Let what you have said be done in me.”

      SLIDE 4 – Peter

      I am Peter. I am asked to let go of my desires to be perfect and to live with my own unfinished condition. Jesus, you loved Peter as he was. You love me as I am. May I now only respond yes to your question, “Do you love me?” But also say yes when you take me “where I would rather not go.”

      SLIDE 5 – Levi

      I am Levi, the tax collector. I must leave behind my strong ambitions for success and power. Jesus, help me to be more concerned about the process of my life and ministry than about the results and the success involved. Teach me what it means to leave everything and follow you.

      SLIDE 6 – The Samaritan Woman

      I am the Samaritan women. I am asked to leave behind my doubts about my own self-worth. Jesus you called this woman to appreciate her own goodness. In my moments of self-doubt and hesitation, fill me with a disciple’s heart. Help me to listen to you and to believe in your belief in me.

      SLIDE 7 – The Woman at the Well

      I am the woman who washed your feet, Jesus. You ask me to leave my old ways behind me. Fill me with true sorrow for the times when I have wandered far from you and your message. I too can experience the generosity of your forgiveness when I come to you with the tears of repentance.

      SLIDE 8 – Lazarus

      I am Lazarus. I need the call to come out from my tomb. I must leave whatever is dead or binding for my spirit. Jesus, you call me daily to greater spiritual freedom. As your disciple, may I grow in my ability to have a discerning heart. May I, too, be unbound and set free.

      SLIDE 9 - Closing Prayer

      Together let us pray the words Jesus gave us, Our Father…Amen.

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