1. May 2015 Staff Meeting Faith Formation
    2. Leader:
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    May 2015 Staff Meeting Faith Formation




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    This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The word “Pentecost” is from the Greek, meaning 50th day, for the Jews it was a harvest festival celebrated 50 days after passover. People from all nations and many languages were gathered in Jerusalem for the festival. In this setting, consider these words from Pope Francis about Pentecost:


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    Pope Francis says:


    A fundamental element of Pentecost is astonishment. Our God is a God of astonishment; this we know. No one expected anything more from the disciples: after Jesus’ death they were a small, insignificant group of defeated orphans of their Master.


    There occurred instead an unexpected event that astounded: the people were astonished because each of them heard the disciples speaking in their own tongues, telling of the great works of God.


    The Church born at Pentecost is an astounding community because, with the force of her arrival from God, a new message is proclaimed—the resurrection of Christ—with a new language, the universal one of love. A new proclamation: Christ lives, he is risen. A new language: the language of love. The disciples are adorned with power from above and speak with courage. Only minutes before, they all were cowardly, but now they speak with courage and candor, with the freedom of the Holy Spirit.


    Thus the Church is called into being forever, capable of astounding while proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ has conquered death, that God’s arms are always open, that his patience is always there awaiting us in order to heal us, to forgive us. The risen Jesus bestowed his Spirit on the Church for this very mission.


    Take note, says Pope Francis: if the Church is alive, she must always surprise. It is incumbent upon the living Church to astound. A Church that is unable to astound is a Church that is weak, sick, dying, and that needs admission to the intensive care unit as soon as possible!

    —Excerpted from the new book Walking with Jesus by Pope Francis


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    In two minutes, Busted Halo helps us with all the elements of Pentecost.


    Video: http://youtu.be/J5tr4pqWIo4 -



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    Please join me in a prayer to the Holy spirit:


    Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,

    That my thoughts may all be holy.


    Act in me, O Holy Spirit,

    That my work, too, may be holy.


    Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,

    That I love but what is holy.


    Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,

    To defend all that is holy.


    Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,

    That I always may be holy.




    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


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    The good news is that the Holy Spirit is for everyone!

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