altMaplewood Elementary Class Markbook Quick Reference Sheet

    1.  Login

    a.  Go to the web site address provided  

    b.  Locate the school

    c.  Username and Password are the same as your NCDSB email.
    Items to be Aware of…

    DO: Disable Popup Blockers

    DO: Use the SAVE, SAVE & GO BACK, and CANCEL buttons

    DO: Click the LOGOUT button to properly exit the program

    DO NOT: Use the browser’s BACK & FORWARD buttons
    2.  Menu Page

    a.  Provide links to different areas within Maplewood that teachers have access to

    b.  The Calendar will display the School Board’s Calendar for the active year

    c.  Select ACHIEVEMENT to access Maplewood’s Class Markbook Module
    Maplewood Achievement

    a.  Use the links provided to access different areas within Maplewood Achievement to enter Class Markbook information.

    b.  Refer to the Maplewood Secondary Report Card Quick Reference Sheet for quick instruction on this area within Maplewood Achievement.
    Class Markbook



    a.  Click Achievement from the Menu Page.

    b.  Select Marks/Comments by Class from the Achievement Menu.

    c.  Select a Class Code from header to open/create a Class Markbook.


    Once a Class Markbook is open, teachers can create Categories and Items.


    CATEGORIES: Categories are main reporting “bins” for the selected course. Categories can be KICA, ISU, Exam.


    ITEMS: Items are the assessments that relate to Categories.
    How to Create a Category in Class Markbooks


    a.  Navigate to the underlined Topic title and click the Header.

    b.  Select Add Markbook Category from pop-up menu.

    c.  Assign a Name to the new category.

    d.  Set a Date using the Calendar icon.

    e.  Assign a Denominator (out of mark).

    Note: For Categories, teachers can make the Denominator to be the same as the Weight.

    f.  Assign a Weight.

    g.  Select Elementary Grade from the Letter Grade Entry drop-down menu.

    h.  Determine to check/uncheck Publish.

    Click the Save& Add New Category button to create more Categories OR Click the Save button to return to the Class Markbooks page. 
    How to Create an Item for a Category in Class Markbooks


    Note: If an assessment applies to multiple Categories, items will need to be entered for each Category separately.


    a.  Navigate to the underlined Category title and click the Header.

    b.  Select Add Markbook Item from pop-up menu.

    c.  Assign a Name to the new item.

    d.  Select the Category to assign the Item to.

    e.  Set a Date using the Calendar icon.

    f.  Assign a Denominator (out of mark).

    Note: For Items, it is recommended to assign the denominator as the raw marks associated with the item for the selected category.

    g.  Assign a Weight

    Note: Simple weighting of 1, 2, 3 (etc) for items can be used. This is how that item relates to the other items in the category.

    h.  Select Elementary Grade from the Letter Grade Entry drop-down menu.

    i.  Select an Assessment Type.

    j.  Determine to check/uncheck Publish.

    Click the Save & Add New Item button to create more Items OR Click the Save & Go Back button to return to the Class Markbooks page.

    Display Categories and Items in Class Markbooks using Header & Markbook Options


    Categories and Items are visible within the Class Markbook page based on the header and markbook options.


    The following suggested header and markbook options will ensure all Categories and Items created will display for this class and semester:


    · Select Active Term from the Term drop-down menu

    · Topic = All

    · Set From: date as first day of the Term

    · Set To: date as last day of the Term

    · Navigate to and select Markbook Options (Gearbox Icon) beside Date Filter header

    · Select Items within Categories from the Layout drop-down menu in Markbook Options


    To only display on a specific day and items only, then adjust the following header and markbook options:


    · Set From: date as the specific date

    · Set To: date as the specific date

    i.  Select Items Only from the Layout drop-down menu in Markbook Options
    Enter Marks for Items and Categories


    a.  Click into the Item or Category mark fields to begin entering student marks.

    b.  A Category’s mark field can be used for mark entry.

    c.  The Category marks for each student will be calculated automatically if the Items are associated with the Category. Marks are to be recorded for the Items. The Category marks will be calculated based on the Items and the associated weights of each Item.

    d.  The Category’s mark field calculated mark can be overridden by the user.

    e.  The Tab Vertically checkbox provides the ability to TAB vertically down a column to enter marks. Unchecking this checkbox will make the TAB key tab horizontally across columns.

    f.  The Display letter grade box checkbox provides a box that lists allowable letter grades. Unchecking this box will hide the letter grade box.

    a.  The Grade Mark field will list the overall mark of the Categories and Items, based on the assigned weights and reporting terms. The Grade field will populate on the Ontario Report Card mid-term and final mark fields in Maplewood.
    Display Mark Statistics in Class Markbooks


    a.  Navigate to and select Markbook Options (Gearbox Icon) beside Date Filter header.

    b.  Check the option Show Mark Statistics

    c.  Check up to 3 (maximum) of the 4 mark statistics available:

    o   Mean (average)

    o   Median (middle)

    o   Mode (highest occurance)

    o   Standard Deviation (dispersion from mean)


    Display and Enter Markbook Comments

    a.  Navigate to and select Markbook Options (Gearbox Icon) beside Date Filter header.

    b.  Check the option Show Markbook Comments

    c.  Select the notepad icon located beside the mark field

    d.  Enter in comment for individual student for specific assessment


    · Only user of the Class Markbook will be able to view the markbook comment. No other staff members will be able to access the markbook comment.
    Individual Student Report (Achievement Reports )


    a.  Select the Achievement link from the Main Menu.

    b.  Select Achievement Reports from the Achievement Menu.

    c.  Select Class radio button   and the Class Code(s) from the Select Homerooms/Classes section.

    d.  Select the Markbook Summary radio button from the Report Information section

    e.  Select the Term and Topic that is applicable to the class for Markbook summary.

    f.  Select the Print Options (One Student Per Page, Include Class Average (Optional), Include Denominator, Include Weight, Include Date).

    g.  Click the View button to generate the report(s).

    Result: The report(s) will generate into a PDF.

    h.  Save or Print the reports. Close the PDF.

    a.  Click the Cancel button to exit this page.
    Copy Markbooks


    a.  Select Achievement from the Main menu.

    b.  Select Copy Markbooks from the Achievement menu.

    c.  Select the This Year’s Markbooks radio button.

    d.  Select a Department from the drop-down menu to filter Class Markbooks.

    e.  Select Class from the “Copy From:” radio button.

    f.  Select a Class from the “Copy From:” drop-down menu to copy the Class Markbook.

    g.  Ensure Grade is listed in the Topic drop-down menu.

    h.  Select Class from the “Copy To:” radio button.

    i.  Select a Class from the “Copy To:” drop-down menu to copy the Class Markbook.

    j.  Select the Copy button.

    k.  Click the OK button to Copy the Markbook.


    Class Report without Names (Achievement Reports )


    a.  Select the Achievement link from the Main Menu.

    b.  Select Achievement Reports from the Achievement Menu.

    c.  Select Class radio button and the Class Code(s) from the Select Homerooms/Classes section.

    d.  Select the Markbook Summary option from the Report Information section.

    e.  Select the Term and Topic that is applicable to the class for Markbook summary.

    f.  Select the Print Options (Include Denominator, Include Weight, Include Date, Replace Student Name With… - OEN)

    g.  Click the View button to generate the report(s).

    Result: The report(s) will generate into a PDF.

    h.  Save or Print the reports. Close the PDF.

    i.  Click the Cancel button to exit this page.
    Class Report with OVERALL MARK ONLY without Names (Achievement Reports )


    a.  Select the Achievement link from the Main Menu.

    b.  Select Achievement Reports from the Achievement Menu.

    c.  Select Class radio button and the Class Code(s) from the Select Homerooms/Classes section.

    d.  Select the Class Summary radio button from the Report Information section.

    e.  Check the Term that is applicable to the class.

    f.  Check the Learning Skills from the Topic section (Optional).

    g.  Select the Print Options (Replace Student Name With… - OEN).

    h.  Click the View button to generate the report(s).

    Result: The report(s) will generate into a PDF.

    i.  Save or Print the reports. Close the PDF.

    j.  Click the Cancel button to exit this page.

    Individual Markbook


    a.  Click Achievement from the Menu Page.

    b.  Select Marks/Comments by Student from the Achievement Menu.

    c.  Select a Class Code from header to open/create a Class Markbook.

    d.  Select a Student from the header

    e.  Select the applicable Term or All

    f.  Select the applicable Topic or All

    g.  Enter Marks, Comments, Learning Skills or Program for the student.


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