1. Theological Theme - Faith Day Activity – May 15, 2015
      1. Materials:
      2. Warm up activity – Who is Jesus to me?
      3. 3 Year Theological Theme
    1. One Family in Christ
    2. Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him
      1. Special notes:

    Theological Theme - Faith Day Activity – May 15, 2015


    - Chart paper & markers
    - Faces of Jesus picture collection (provided by Board)
    - See notes below regarding modification of materials and environment

    Warm up activity – Who is Jesus to me?

    · Tables/groups of eight or less
    · Pictures of Jesus (provided by Board) - place an assortment in the centre of each group
    · Look through the pictures, choose one that you are drawn to (for positive or negative reasons)
    · Once everyone has chosen, move around the group and speak of your choice.

    Possible questions to explore:

    o What characteristics of Jesus are reflected in your picture?
    o What draws you to this picture?
    o How does your picture relate to images of Jesus you already hold?
    · After 10-15 minutes, open up to the floor for any comments, or profound comments that have been made around the group.

    3 Year Theological Theme

    Our new theological theme for 2015-2018 is:

    One Family in Christ

    Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him

    To give time for planning so that this theme is evident in our schools we will spend some time thinking and sharing around this theme.

    Please begin this session with a review of the attached PowerPoint presentation, “Faith Day 2015 – Theological Theme”

    Brainstorming Process: one question per chart paper; move the chart paper around to different groups or post chart paper on wall and have the groups move—constantly adding to chart paper. Begin with 5-7 minutes per round, shorten time as chart paper fills. (Responses may also be recorded on paper/clipboard or electronically)

    Chart paper questions:

    · What events or initiatives already in your calendar can take on this theme? How?
    · When you reflect on this theme, what thoughts come to mind?
    · How might you engage student voice for theme-based initiative ideas?
    · How might this theme be visually apparent in the school?
    · List words and characteristics associated with Jesus and what it means to KNOW him.



    Close time with large group conversation about highlights…determine next steps in planning for next year.

    After session, make a note of the items you want to work on before the end of the year and then please put your results in the courier (with your school name) to Debra McCaffery. Arrangements will be made to compile and send back to you electronically. While we are expecting some repetition we are also expecting some great ideas! A general list without school names will be posted to My Niagara Catholic for future inspiration.

    Special notes:

    Secondary and large elementary staffs: You are welcome to use duplicates of the questions, or add other questions for brainstorming.

    Materials: If you are not in a setting with tables, it is recommended that you use paper, pencils and clipboards to gather responses of brainstorming. Some staffs might want to use technology to record their ideas.

    Pictures of Jesus: These are the school’s to keep for use with students in Religion, perhaps with a similar activity.

    - If there are no tables, I would also suggest using baskets or clear plastic bags to hold the pictures of Jesus.





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