For World Communications Day 2012, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote a beautiful letter which was very simply titled “Silence and Word: The Path to Evangelization.” It is a very rich document with much wisdom. It was a challenge to the world to see the importance of silence in balance with word, that it is in reflection and quiet processing that word takes on greater meaning. Silence also allows another to speak so that rich communication can take place.

    As we move into these final days of Lent, I’d like to share with you a short video from Fr James Martin which calls us to recognize the importance of finding quiet in our busy world, which will also provide the balance we need in the the ultimate communication we call prayer.




    Loving and merciful God,

    Throughout scripture we repeatedly hear that your strongest desire is to be in relationship with us, that you long for us to return to you with all our hearts.

    On this last leg of our Lenten journey may we continue to draw closer to you, finding that place of balance between silence and word where true communication grows.

    We ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.



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