1. February Staff Meeting 2015
  2. Leader:
  3. Slide 1
  4. Slide 2
  5. Slide 3

February Staff Meeting 2015


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Certain words have become associated with certain popes. With Saint Pope John Paul II we became familiar with the phrase “Be Not Afraid”. With Pope Benedict XVI it was “Faith and Reason”. With the witness of Pope Francis, the word “mercy” flows about freely. The Holy Father is also credited with creating a new word: “mercying”, which so clearly draws us to the conclusion that mercy is not a passive word, but a word that calls for some active involvement.

As we stand at the very beginning of our Lenten journey, I share with you a short reflection on “mercy.”


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Loving God, your mercy is lavish and eternal. Even as we experience your mercy and forgiveness, open our eyes to the many opportunities all around us to be kind, to be generous with ourselves, to show mercy.

Bless each one of us this during this Lenten season with hearts open to you.

We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

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