Minutes of the Meeting of the St. Joseph Catholic School Council, held on October 18, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
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The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Principal MacKenzie
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The opening prayer was led by: Mrs. MacKenzie
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Attendance: Mrs. MacKenzie, Mme Bambara, Carol Brunton, Sandy Skingley,
| Karen Martin
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Regrets: Franca Beifuss, Kelly DiLapo June Watchorn
2. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by: Sandy Skingley
Seconded by: Carol Brunton
THAT the St. Joseph Catholic School Council approves the Agenda of the St. Joseph Catholic School Council Meeting of November 18, 2014 -CARRIED
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Approval of Minutes of the St. Joseph Catholic School Council Meeting of Sept 17, 2014
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Moved by: Sandy Skingley
Seconded by: Carol Brunton
THAT St. Joseph Catholic School Council approves the Minutes of the St. Joseph Catholic School Council Meeting of Sept 17, 2014 as presented -CARRIED
Metro Green Apple Grant – the school received $1000 to put towards the introduction of composting. Monies will be used to purchase 2-3 composters from the region, and for compost buckets. Programme will start with the Nutrition programme waste.
Additionally the school submitted a Speak Up Grant application tied in to our Eco club via Megan Louws
SMART board in ELKP with funds from the Black Creek Lions Club
Received cheque from Niagara Nutrition Partners for $2100.
Received free coupons for cereal (for Nutrition program)
The financial report was presented to the members of the Catholic School Council present.
The accounts include the Catholic School Council account, the Nevada account and the E-Bingo account
CSC account – cheques written to pay for Subs, Chicken Fingers, buns, apple juice and plates for Thanksgiving dinner.
Nevada account – Nevadaman expenses
Ebingo account – cheques written for bus for cross country (x2) and sports council fees and student agendas
| Bingo – Kelly DiLapo – no new bingo dates |
| Nutrition – as per Sandy Skingley- going well, but need volunteers. 25th November, Public Health has mandatory meeting for proper preparation of food, requirements, etc. |
| Garden/Eco – as per Sandy Skingley- nothing new |
| Staff Report – as per Mme Bambara November 3rd was CPR training for grade 7s, grade 8s went to Lakeshore?St. Mikes’/ND for grade 8 day. Snack program is going well and will continue. Rummage sale Saturday November 22th. Pasta night is November 27th. Report cards go home this week. |
i) Thanksgiving Lunch Wrap UP
Thank you to the many volunteers who helped. Amounts were accurate this year – 5 large turkeys, 18 dozen buns, 14 two litre containers of juice – reduce to 12 next year.
ii) CPR Request – done via email. Mrs. MacKenzie made a request of council to pay for this programme. All members agreed to pay $5 per grade 7 for this programme. Students were trained November 3, 2014.
iii) EQAO and School Planning –focus on math and communication of math language. Math coach has been in to work with the primary teachers.
iv) Christmas Basket Silent Auction – we will continue with this tradition. Karen and Carol to wrap the baskets December 12 in the morning. Baskets auctioned off at the Christmas concert – December 15.
v) Sports Jerseys – proposal via email to purchase new Sports Jerseys through Maddalena Sports for $750. Plan to use Nevada funds for this purchase. .All council members were in support
vi) Karen brought in brochours for possible fundraising ideas, more information is required.
NEXT MEETING: January 20, 2015 |
Moved by: Sandy Skingley
| Seconded by: Carol Brunton
THAT the November 18, 2014
meeting of the St. Joseph Catholic School Council be adjourned.
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This meeting was adjourned at: 7:30 pm
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