1. Suggested Prayers for Morning Announcements
    1. Dec. 3, 2012
    2. Dear Jesus,
    3. Whenever life pushes us down,
    4. may we remember that hope can always be found.
    5. Help us to await the good things and forget the past,
    6. hoping that our future saves the best for last. Amen.
    7. Dec. 4, 2012
    8. We believe, Lord, but let us believe more firmly.
    9. We love, Lord, but us love more warmly.
    10. We repent, Lord, but let us repent more deeply.
    11. We hope Lord, but let us hope more surely. Amen.
    12. Dec. 5, 2012
    13. Jesus,
    14. We beg You now to fill our hearts with Your love
    15. and sharpen our awareness of Your presence in every moment
    16. so that wherever we go and whatever we do,
    17. we will always stand secure before You. Amen.
    18. Dec. 6, 2012
    19. Lord,
    20. Amen.
    21. Dec. 7, 2012
    22. O God,
    23. as light comes from our candles this Advent,
    24. May the blessing of Jesus Christ come to us,
    25. warming our hearts and brightening our way.
    26. May you bring light into the darkness of the world.
    27. Amen.
    28. Dec. 10, 2012
    29. Holy God, your glory is our shelter and protection.
    30. You are our shelter from the storm.
    31. As we prepare our hearts throughout Advent,
    32. may You allow us to show others Your love and how You can be their shelter.
    33. Amen.
    34. Dec. 11, 2012
    35. Dear God,
    36. Dec. 12, 2012
    37. Dear Jesus,
    38. Change my heart, so may I be like You.
    39. You used your mother Mary to teach others Your ways.
    40. Please give us the hope and the faith to do the same. Amen.
    41. Dec. 13, 2012
    42. Lord,
    43. Fill us with your light from head to toe.
    44. May Your light within us give others hope –
    45. Hope for a better future, a better life,
    46. and the hope that everyone feels love and experiences kindness. Amen.
    47. Dec. 14, 2012
    48. God,
    49. Please help us to be like St. John of the Cross.
    50. Today, if we are presented with something bad,
    51. Amen.
    52. Dec. 17, 2012
    53. Dear God,
    54. Help me to look forward to each day, hoping to make new discoveries;
    55. Help me to look back on every day and be pleased with what I have done. Amen.
    56. Dec. 18, 2012
    57. Make our way in life smooth and safe before us,
    58. Amen.
    59. Dec. 19, 2012
    60. Dec. 20, 2012
    61. Dec. 21, 2012
    62. Lord,
    63. Forgive us for the times we may not have shown kindness.
    64. and help us to make time for You, our true source of joy and peace.
    65. Amen.
  2. Possible School Newsletter Addition
  3. Possible School Sign or Bulletin Board Messages
  4. December 2012 Wisdom Theme
  5. The Traditions and Customs of the Catholic Church – Advent
  6. Suggested Advent Prayer Services and Blessings
    3. Leader:
    6. …refer to Living with Christ Missal
  7. Classroom Prayer Table Additions:
    1. Supporting Catholicity within the Library Visits
    2. Creating An Interactive Advent Calendar
    3. ICE Elementary Religious Education Curriculum released Fall, 2012
    4. Strand: Celebrating (CL)
    5. Fundamental Concept (CL3): The Celebrations of the Church’s Liturgical Year
    6. Primary Lesson Idea: Welcoming-Jesus-In-Our-Hearts Wrapping Paper
    7. Interactive Jesse Tree
    8. Sights, Sounds and Feeling of Advent
    9. Intermediate/Senior Lesson Idea:
    10. Advent Bingo
    11. Feast of the Nativity of the Lord
  8. Possible Elementary Chaplaincy Leader Advent Visits
    1. PRIMARY
    2. JUNIOR

    Growing in


December 2012

“Advent is, so to speak, an intense training that directs us decisively toward him who already came, who will come, and who comes continuously.”

- Bl. John Paul II



1st Sunday of Advent


St. Francis Xavier


5 6

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women


St. Nicholas
7 8

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

2nd Sunday of Advent

Human Rights Day
11 12

Our Lady of Guadalupe

St. Lucy

St. John of the Cross

3rd Sunday of Advent
17 18 19 20 21



4th Sunday of Advent

Christmas Break begins

Christmas Day

St. Stephen

St. John

Feast of the Holy Innocents
30 Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 31 New Years Eve

Tomorrow is a holy day of obligation


Classes resume January 7!




In the month of December we focus on the wisdom of the traditions and customs of the Church in the season of Advent. It is important in the coming weeks to remain focused on Advent rather than to focus all of our attention on Christmas itself. Advent is a time in our Church year when we are all called to reflect upon the way we are preparing to welcome Christ into our lives, not only at Christmas, but every day of our lives. There are so many things we can do and discuss during this time as a community to grow in our wisdom of God. From reflecting upon the nativity story itself, to understanding the symbolism behind an advent wreath, or the history of our faith as it is rooted in the symbolism of the Jesse Tree, there are many different ways we can celebrate this season. Our Church and our faith are incredibly rich in its traditions and customs and during these next few weeks we should challenge ourselves at every opportunity we have to learn something new about our Church, our faith, and our God as we prepare our hearts and minds to welcome the birth of Christ on Christmas!

Suggested Prayers for Morning Announcements

Dec. 3, 2012

Yesterday, we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a special time lasting for four weeks, in which we prepare to celebrate the birth and second coming of Jesus. Today on the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, we pray that God allows us to be people of hope, especially during Advent.

Dear Jesus,

Whenever life pushes us down,

may we remember that hope can always be found.

Help us to await the good things and forget the past,

hoping that our future saves the best for last. Amen.


Dec. 4, 2012

Today, we pray for hope. Hope is that feeling inside our hearts that says “Things will get better or we can get through this.” Today, we ask that God fill our hearts with hope and for the strength to place our trust in God.

We believe, Lord, but let us believe more firmly.

We love, Lord, but us love more warmly.

We repent, Lord, but let us repent more deeply.

We hope Lord, but let us hope more surely. Amen.


Dec. 5, 2012

During Advent, we light the candles on our Advent wreaths. Advent wreaths remind us to be aware of the presence of Jesus among us at this time in our daily lives. Advent, the season of hope, reminds us also of the strength of our faith in the Holy Spirit’s presence.


We beg You now to fill our hearts with Your love

and sharpen our awareness of Your presence in every moment

so that wherever we go and whatever we do,

we will always stand secure before You. Amen.


Dec. 6, 2012

During Advent, we prepare the way of the Lord. After time spent in prayer and service, we are ready to welcome the Christ child at Christmas. Today, on the feast day of St. Nicholas, we pray that we can use the season of Advent to stretch our faith.


Our love and trust for You has the ability to change our lives, families, country and the world. In these four weeks of Advent, help us to pause to remember the depth of Your love for us and may it make us rich in faith



Dec. 7, 2012

When Jesus was first born at Christmas, many had been waiting their entire lives for the Messiah, but still didn’t recognize Him when He came. It was as if they were blind to what God was doing. God is always active in our lives but sometimes we are also blind to it. Today, we pray that we see through eyes of faith.

O God,

as light comes from our candles this Advent,

May the blessing of Jesus Christ come to us,

warming our hearts and brightening our way.

May you bring light into the darkness of the world.



Dec. 10, 2012

The love of God helps and protects us. When we think of our faith in Jesus, we should feel safe. Today on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, we pray that others will grow in faith and feel safe in the love of Jesus. .

Holy God, your glory is our shelter and protection.

You are our shelter from the storm.

As we prepare our hearts throughout Advent,

may You allow us to show others Your love and how You can be their shelter.



Dec. 11, 2012

There is a famous quote which says “What you are is God’s gift to you, what you do with yourself is your gift to God.” It’s important to remember in our journey of faith that we can be a gift to God. Let’s pray that our everyday actions be gifts to Jesus this Christmas.

Dear God,

During Christmas, we give presents to family and friends and they give gifts to us

– it’s a wonderful tradition. But in the midst of all our Christmas festivities, we may never forget that it’s Your birthday that we are celebrating. May all we do be a gift to you, especially during Advent and Christmas. Amen.


Dec. 12, 2012

Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is another name for Jesus` mother, Mary. In the 1500`s, she appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico. Many people were healed, and within a short time, six million Native Mexicans were baptized as Christians. We must remember that God uses Mary to lead people to Jesus, and God can use us, too!

Dear Jesus,

Change my heart, so may I be like You.

You used your mother Mary to teach others Your ways.

Please give us the hope and the faith to do the same. Amen.


Dec. 13, 2012

Today is the feast day of St. Lucy. She is the patron saint of eyesight. Eyesight is very important not just for seeing the world but in our faith as well. Our sight allows us to see God in creation and in the people around us. Today, we pray that we see God and that others see God in us.


Fill us with your light from head to toe.

May Your light within us give others hope –

Hope for a better future, a better life,

and the hope that everyone feels love and experiences kindness. Amen.


Dec. 14, 2012

Today is the feast day of St. John of the Cross. He was taken prisoner, tortured, and was told to be silent. Instead of fighting back, his response was to write poetry. Through the guidance of Mary, St. John of the Cross was able to escape and find safety. Today, let’s think of how we can respond when faced with trouble and how our faith can help us make the right decision.


Please help us to be like St. John of the Cross.

Today, if we are presented with something bad,

May You strengthen our faith and allow us to witness our trust in You to others.



Dec. 17, 2012

It’s difficult to have hope and faith all the time. We need to trust God. When things are difficult, we need to ask God for His help.

Dear God,

Help me to look forward to each day, hoping to make new discoveries;

Help me to look back on every day and be pleased with what I have done. Amen.


Dec. 18, 2012

 We are all on a journey of faith together. Each of us has successful moments and moments that we mess up or that we are not proud of. We ask that God blesses our journey – the good and the not so good parts- today.


Make our way in life smooth and safe before us,

and let our hope and faith in You be increased, like the light of the Advent wreath.



Dec. 19, 2012

Christmas is so close. Soon, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus. We will also give and receive presents. It’s important to remember that our faith in God is a gift. We can be a gift and give others hope.

Father, may everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your saving help. Let our day always start in you and through you reach completion.

We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Dec. 20, 2012

Christmas is a busy time of year. Although we are excited, and there are so many distractions, we need to be focused. We know that there is a lot of work to do at school and home. Today, we pray for renewed hope and the grace to accomplish all we need to do in order to be ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for loving us and directing us to you. We are sometimes faced with a lack of hope. Help us to overcome our lack of hope and to remain true to you. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.






Dec. 21, 2012

Today is our last day together before Christmas holidays begin. On Christmas day, we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Jesus came into this world to save us. He gave His life to save us because he loves us so much. We pray today that we can make Jesus proud on His birthday.


Forgive us for the times we may not have shown kindness.

Our ‘to do’ list seems to be growing with shopping, church services, and family gatherings. Please place the wonderful joy of Christmas in our hearts,

and help us to make time for You, our true source of joy and peace.



Before this day ends, you may want to give the suggested blessing over the PA system that is suggested in the Advent Prayer Service and Blessing section of this Wisdom resource.


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Possible School Newsletter Addition

This December, our school community focuses on the wisdom of the traditions and customs of the Church in the season of Advent. The four weeks leading up to Christmas Day reminds us to prepare for the Light of Christ as it enters our hearts and brightens our classrooms and halls through prayer and scripture, special Advent activities like our concert preparations, and our community outreach to _____.

The staff of _________ Catholic School is grateful to every family for entrusting the precious gift of your child to us and we wish you all the peace, joy, and love of this most blessed season.

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Possible School Sign or Bulletin Board Messages

At ____School, we know that Jesus is the Reason for this Season.

Jesus is the Light of our Advent Season.

Maranatha – Come, Lord Jesus!

The Faithful of _____ School wait with Joy for the Christ Child!

Wishing everyone the Love, Peace, Hope, and Light of this special season!








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December 2012 Wisdom Theme

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The Traditions and Customs of the Catholic Church – Advent
Connections to the Virtue Model CGE Catholic Social Teaching Examples of School wide and Professional Look- fors Examples of Student of the Month Look- fors










Discerning Believer formed in a Catholic Faith Community


Call to Family, Community, and Participation


Dignity of the Human Person




·   Symbols of Advent prominently displayed in classrooms at interactive prayer tables and hallways

·   Advent scripture stories being shared and read by students and staff

·   Prayer shared often and openly

·   Opportunities for quiet, reflection are provided as a break from the “busy-ness”

·   Advent Charity focus is well-promoted and successful

·   Literacy lessons focusing on text – faith connections and point of view as witnessed by people of faith are being taught.

·   Chaplaincy leaders are invited and assisting with class and lesson Wisdom foci





·   Active participation in liturgies and prayer services

·   Articulates why Advent is an important liturgical season of the Church and can explain several traditions

·   contributes to the Advent charity drive, perhaps even in a leadership role

·   shares stories of personal experiences with God with classmates and teachers

·   enjoys and creatively expresses aspects of Advent through the Arts and creative writing



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Suggested Advent Prayer Services and Blessings



Four weekly prayers for lighting your Advent Wreath, as well as for blessing your St. Vincent De Paul/Project Share Christmas/Toy Basket may be found in WORDS FOR THE JOURNEY FOR KIDS by Lisa Freemantle & Les Miller. This prayer resource is in your own school library.


Seek the wisdom of your Faith

Follow where the Spirit of Hope leads you.

Listen as the child of Peace cries for you

Rejoice as the love of God embraces you.

And celebrate Advent with faith, hope, peace and love in your heart.



(From "Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers" )


In its present form, the custom of displaying figures depicting the birth of Jesus Christ owes its origin to St. Francis of Assisi, who made the Christmas crèche or manger for Christmas Eve of 1223.

Reading: Luke 2:1-8 or Isaiah 7:10 -15 (birth of Emmanuel)

Prayer :

God of every nation and people,

from the very beginning of creation you have made known your love:

when our need for a Saviour was great,

you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary.

To our lives, he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love.


Lord, bless all who look upon this manger;

may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise our thoughts to him,

who is God-with-us and Saviour of all, and who lives and reigns forever and ever.






As we gather around our Christmas tree, we stand here ready to celebrate the birth of your son, Jesus.

We ask Your Blessing upon this tree, this sign of life and freshness and perseverance in our midst. It stands as a reminder that you are born anew in us each day. Bless our school family and friends as we celebrate this joyous season. Keep us safe in our travels, kind in our conversations, and gracious in our giving and receiving.

We ask you this in confidence, because we know you love us.

All: Amen.

(Suggested Christmas carol: “O Christmas Tree’)



As we leave our school family for the Christmas holidays, we offer this special blessing:

May the wonder of the shepherds, the generosity of the wise men, the compassion of Mary and the faith of Joseph be in us all and flow from us this Christmas and always. Amen

May everyone celebrate this blessed time remembering that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. We pray that we all return safely to school in the New Year. Amen.

Alternative blessing:

May we know in our hearts and share with others the simple joy of the shepherds, the praise of the angles and the love of the Holy Family.

May the holy child of Bethlehem, true God and true man, be close to us this day and every day.


…refer to Living with Christ Missal


If school mass or class prayer service takes place Dec. 3-11, use readings from the Second Sunday of Advent:

First Reading –Philippians 1:3-6, 8-11

Responsorial Psalm 126

Gospel – Luke 3:1-6, John the Baptist


If school mass or class prayer service takes place on Wed. Dec. 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, use readings of the day for the planned liturgy.

If school mass or class prayer service takes place on Thursday, Dec. 13, Memorial Saint Lucy, use readings of the day

If school mass or class prayer service takes place Dec. , use readings from the 3rd Sunday of Advent:

   First Reading- Philippians 4:4-7

Responsorial Psalm 12

   Gospel- Luke 3:10-18 – John the Baptist


If school mass or class prayer service takes place Dec. , use readings from 4th Sunday of Advent

   First Reading –Micah 5:2-5

Psalm 80

   Gospel – Luke 1:39-45 Mary visits Elizabeth

The Legend of the Candy Cane

Many years ago, a candy maker wanted to make a candy at Christmas time that would serve as a witness to his Christian faith. He wanted to incorporate several symbols for the birth, ministry and death of Jesus.

He began with a stick of pure white hard candy. The white symbolized the virgin birth and the sinless life of Jesus.

He made the candy hard to symbolize that Jesus is the solid rock and the foundation of the church. The firmness also represents the promises of God.

The candy maker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the name of Jesus, who came to earth as our Savior. He thought it could also represent the staff of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

The candy maker then added red stripes. He used three small stripes to show the stripes of the scourging Jesus received, by which we are healed. The large red stripe was for the blood shed by Christ on the cross so that we could be forgiven and have the promise of eternal life.

The flavor of mint is similar to hyssop. In Old Testament times, hyssop was associated with purification and sacrifice. It was also used at the cross as they gave Jesus a drink of vinegar before He gave up the Ghost.

Look at the Candy Cane

What do you see?

Stripes that are red

Like the blood shed for me

White is for my Savior

Who's sinless and pure!

"J" is for Jesus,

My Lord, that's for sure!

Turn it around

And a staff you will see

Jesus my shepherd

Was born for Me!










To learn more, visit http://www.homeschooled-kids.com/candycanelegend.html


The Wisdom of knowing the traditions and customs of the Church: Advent Classroom Links


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Classroom Prayer Table Additions:

·   Advent Wreath

·   Nativity Set

·   Listening Centre for the Wondrous Story by Arden Mead or other sounds and carols of the season

·   Gather Round the Christmas Tree – Devotions for Advent by Dr. Mary Manz Simon from Creative Communications.

·   Create an Interactive Jesse Tree, especially for Junior grades






Supporting Catholicity within the Library Visits

Please consult with your library technician for other book and media resources that will support literacy and use of the school’s Library Centre and the Catholic Resource Centre.







Books that directly relate to Catholicity


Other Read Aloud books that could support this theme and Virtue Model Connections

Advent Storybook by

The Nativity –Mary Remembers (NC Mentor Text lesson available in Educational Resources in Docushare)

25 Question about the Signs and Symbols of the Catholic Faith by Les Miller

The Lady of Guadalupe by Tomie de Paola

The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado

Jacob’s Gift by Max Lucado

The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie de Paola

The Road to Christmas Day

Fear Not, Joseph – A Story of Christmas by Julie Stiegemeyer

Stable in Bethlehem –A Christmas Counting Book

Federico and the Magi’s Gift by Beatriz Vid

The Christmas Candle (NC Mentor Text lesson)

The Little Match Girl

Magic on Maple Street

The Children’s Book of Faith

The Children’s Book of Virtues

Have a Little Faith – A True Story by Mitch Albom

The Polar Express


25 Question about the Signs and Symbols of the Catholic Faith by Les Miller

Christmas in the Holy Land



Our Lady was a messenger of good news. She was a missionary for her Son.

Create holiday greeting cards to share the good news of Jesus with others.


Creating An Interactive Advent Calendar

Create the Christmas tree design found out of 24 equilateral triangles to display on the class door or on a wall that your students can easily access. On each triangle, write one of the scripture sayings found below or print the sayings onto labels and stick them on. Every day during December, have a student or two, begin the day by turning over a triangle and reading the Scripture passage to the class. For older students, you may want them to look up the actual scripture reference and write it themselves and then share it. Spend a few moments explaining the relevance of the passage to the season of Advent. Consider having an older reading buddy class create this Advent Calendar for their younger buddies as part of a JOY DAY activity.

Advent Scripture Sayings to Uncover Daily

1.  “I am the first and the last...I was dead, and see, I am alive forever.” Rev. 1:17-18

2.  They shall name him Immanuel, which means “God is with us.” Matt. 1:23

3.  You will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21

4.  You are the Messiah, the son of the living God. Matt. 16:16

5.  “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry.” Jn. 6:35

6.  “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much

fruit.” Jn. 15:5


7.  Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Jn.1:29

8.  “You call me Teacher and Lord, and you should because that is who I am.” Jn. 13:13

9.  Unto you is born a Saviour, Christ, the Lord. Lk. 2:11

10.  I know that my Redeemer lives. Job 19:25

11.  The Lord your God will send you a prophet. You are to obey everything he tells you.

Acts 3:22


12.  We have a great high priest...and he is Jesus, the Son of God. Heb. 4:14

13.  Rejoice and shout for joy! Behold, your king is coming to you. Zec. 9:9

14.  “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Jn. 10:11

15.  Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna in the highest! Matt. 21:9



16.  God abides in those who confess that Jesus is the Son of God and they abide in God.

1 Jn. 4:15

17.  A child is born to us. He is “Prince of Peace.” Is. 9:6

18.  “I am the way, truth, and life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jn. 14:6

19.  “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness.” Jn 8:12

20.  You know the message he sent, proclaiming the good news of peace through Jesus Christ.

Acts 10:36


21.  You are my servant, in whom I will be glorified. Is. 49:3

22.  And the Word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen his glory. Jn. 1:14

23.  They drank from the rock that went with them; and that rock was Christ himself.

1 Cor. 10:4


24.  The stone which the builders rejected turned out to be the most important of all.

Ps 118:22



ICE Elementary Religious Education Curriculum released Fall, 2012

Strand: Celebrating (CL)

Fundamental Concept (CL3): The Celebrations of the Church’s Liturgical Year


Primary Lesson Idea: Welcoming-Jesus-In-Our-Hearts Wrapping Paper

Grade 1

Specific Expectations:


CL3.1 Retell using a variety of strategies, the Scripture narratives related to each liturgical seasons (e.g. the Annunciation, the Birth of Jesus, the visit of the Magi,…) and link them to the symbols that unfold their meaning

CL3.3 Identify the various ways people communicate with each other and express their thoughts and feelings (e.g. words, signs, symbols, expressions) and relate this to the use of symbols, gestures, ritual and words in the liturgies of the Church to unfold the mysteries of Christ and sense of waiting and hope, new life and joy, wonder and thanksgiving throughout the seasons of the liturgical year.

Learning Goal:

I can explain how and why the season of the church called Advent is celebrated.





•Butcher paper or paper grocery bags •Coloured paper (purple and pink) •Markers and crayons



•Begin the activity by asking the children to explain the meaning of the word Advent. (The time we wait to celebrate Jesus' birthday.)

•Next, ask the children if they can recall some of the ways we celebrate the season of Advent. (We make Advent wreaths.)

•Allow a few moments for the children to share what they know about Advent and the making of Advent wreaths. If necessary, remind them that the wreath helps us count the weeks that we wait for Jesus.

•When you feel the children have a clear understanding, tell them that they will be making their own wrapping paper that will be used at the end of Advent in celebration of Jesus' birth.

•Encourage the children to think of the special colors and special events that are significant to the season of waiting. Write their ideas on chart paper for all to refer to as they illustrate their papers.

•Provide the children with large sheets of butcher paper and crayons etc..

•If possible, have available a sample of your self-made wrapping paper.

•As the children draw, say: During the season of Advent, we prepare for Jesus' birth by letting him know that he's welcome in our lives and in our hearts. We can use this special wrapping paper for the gifts that we wrap in anticipation of Jesus' birthday.


Junior Lesson Ideas:  

Grade 4

Celebrating Specific Expectations

CL3.1 Examine scripture passages of the Old Testament and New Testament which are proclaimed during specific Liturgical seasons i.e. Advent , Christmas, Lent, and Easter, and communicate what they reveal about and celebrate in Jesus’ life.

CL3.3 Distinguish between sacramental’s and sacraments and use symbol, words, gestures, prayer and music as sacramentals in the creation of a sacred space and ritual celebrations that focus on the seasons of the liturgical year.

Interactive Jesse Tree



Learning Goal: I can retell and creatively represent the stories of Jesus’ ancestors.







Sights, Sounds and Feeling of Advent



Learning Goal: I can use a graphic organizer to help me better understand the sights, sounds and feelings of Advent so I can contribute to a class Advent prayer service.


Intermediate/Senior Lesson Idea:

Advent Bingo

http://www.loyolapress.com/assets/fg_comp/pdf_210757.pdf (for a Printer - Friendly Version)


Feast of the Nativity of the Lord



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Possible Elementary Chaplaincy Leader Advent Visits

Each elementary chaplaincy leader, as well as and the Religion & Family Life Consultant, are prepared for and can be booked into classroom visit to assist teachers with several specific catechetical connections. Each session would be comprised of:

• the catechetical element by explaining the topic and what wisdom it contains about the Church teachings and traditions

• an interactive activity, game, or craft (important note: supplies for all crafts would be at the expense of the school)



·   Advent Wreaths: The Shapes, Colours, and Smells of Christmas

·   Nativity Scene: Why did all of these people show up and what can we learn from them?


·   Jesse Tree: Jesus’ Family Tree

·   Christmas Angel: The Story of Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds

·   Candy Canes: What a piece of candy can teach us about the true meaning of Christmas


·   Jesse Tree: Jesus’ Family Tree

·   12 Days of Christmas: A tool for Catholic Catechesis

·   The Three Wise Men: How their adoration of the Christ Child is an example to us.





To arrange for class visits, please email your family of schools elementary chaplaincy leaders or Religion Consultant directly.

andrew.hall@ncdsb.com (Notre Dame College and Lakeshore Catholic Family of Schools)

michelle.lepine@ncdsb.com (Denis Morris and Holy Cross Family of Schools)

penny.pomes@ncdsb.com (Saint Paul and Saint Michael Family of Schools)

krista.wood@ncdsb.com (St. Francis and Blessed Trinity Family of Schools)


“Advent helps us to understand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ.”

Blessed Pope John Paul II


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