altNiagara Catholic District School Board




300 – Schools/Students
Policy No 301.1
Adopted Date: February 24, 1998  

Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: February 3, 2025


The provisions of the Education Act, along with other relevant legislation and Board Governance Policies and Administrative Operational Procedures shall determine admission to elementary and secondary schools in the Niagara Catholic District School Board.


i.   Elementary and secondary students shall be admitted to the geographically designated home school.

The residential address of the parents/guardians of a student or adult student will determine the designated home school. Proof of residency may be required by the principal of the school.

ii.   The principal/vice-principal, in consultation with the parents/guardians or adult student, is responsible for placing the student in the appropriate program.

iii.   Elementary and secondary students are expected to respect the environment and traditions of Catholic education and to fully participate in required instructional classes, including religious education curriculum, family life programs and faith formation celebrations and activities.

iv.   Secondary students are to successfully achieve a credit in Religious Education each year of their attendance.

v.   Elementary and secondary students shall be granted transportation in accordance with the

Student Transportation Policy (500.2) .




Elementary and secondary students who qualify for graduation will be invited by the principal to participate in faith-based Catholic graduation ceremonies. The expectations include, but are not limited to, participation in religious education curriculum, family life programs and faith formation celebrations and activities, being a student in good standing and fulfilling the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations as endorsed by the Niagara Catholic District School Board.


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It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians or adult student to complete and submit the required Niagara Catholic Registration Forms (where applicable) through the Niagara Catholic online registration portal .


Notification of registration is sent directly to the school, and parents/guardians or adult student will be contacted to arrange a meeting and/or provide additional documentation to complete the registration process, if required.

·   Elementary Student Registration Form-Appendix A

·   Secondary Student Registration Form-Appendix B

·   Application for Direction of School Support-Appendix C

·   Request for Admission Form (Non-Catholic/Outside the School Attendance Area or Outside the Niagara Region)-Appendix D

·   Confirmation of Pupil Eligibility Form-Appendix E


Parents/guardians or adult student are required to present original documentation or a copy certified as original (where applicable) of the following:

·   Proof of age: Birth Certificate, Statement of Live Birth or Passport

·   A Roman/Eastern Rite Catholic Baptismal Certificate. If the student has not been baptized, the student may be admitted if one legal parent/guardian can provide a Roman/Eastern Rite Baptismal Certificate. If necessary, a letter from a pastor certifying that the student or legal parent/guardian has been baptized in the Roman/Eastern Rite Catholic will be accepted in lieu of a Baptismal Certificate.

·   Proof of Immigration Status

·   Court Order

·   International Student Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from the Niagara Catholic International Education Office


The principal is to ensure that the Niagara Catholic Registration Checklist (internal use only) and copies of all relevant registration documents are placed in the student’s OSR.


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In accordance with the Education Act , the Niagara Catholic District School Board has established school boundaries for student attendance.


There are four options for alternative admission requests:


1.   Elementary School: Non-Catholic Ratepayer

·   Parents/guardians who are not eligible to direct their school support to the Catholic Board.


2.   Elementary School: Outside the School Attendance Area

·   Parents/guardians request to attend a school other than their home school based on their residential address.


3.   Secondary School: Outside the School Attendance Area

·   Parents/guardians or adult student request to attend a school other than their home school based on their residential address. This request will require a recommendation from both the receiving and home school principals.


4.   Resident of Ontario: Outside Niagara Region

In accordance with the Ministry of Education document, “Your Child’s Education: a parent guide

to our school system”, a parent/guardian can apply to a school in another board.


  Parents/guardians, who reside outside of the Niagara Region, can apply to send their child to an

elementary/secondary school in the Niagara Catholic District School Board if all of the following


·   their residence is near the boundary of the Niagara Catholic District School Board

·   their residence is too far from a school within their home Board jurisdiction, and their board does not provide transportation

·   they own property, such as a business or secondary residence, that is taxed to support Niagara Catholic or has a taxation value that meets the Board’s threshold

·   Niagara Catholic has space for the student at an elementary/secondary school

·   Niagara Catholic is the  same type of school board as their existing board  



1.   Parents/guardians or adult student are required to meet with the principal of the school, and to complete, sign and submit the Request for Admission Form for consideration.

2.   The principal of the school will forward the signed Request for Admission Form with their recommendation to the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education.

3.   The Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education will either approve or deny the request, and will provide written notice with the decision to the principal and the individual making the request.

4.   Transportation for an approved Outside the School Attendance Area and/or Outside the Niagara Region admission request shall be the sole responsibility of the parents/guardians or where applicable adult student.

5.   The approval granted for an alternative admission request will remain in effect for the duration of a student’s attendance at the school, unless otherwise notified by the principal of the school and approved by the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education.

6.   Where approval has been granted for programming purposes, if the student withdraws from the program, the student will be required to return to their home school.


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The provision of the Niagara Catholic French Immersion program is based on program viability, which may include, but is not limited to, factors such as enrolment, legislation, qualified staff, programming requirements, school space accommodations, and school site locations, which may change from time to time, in consultation with affected school communities.


The Director of Education and the Superintendent of Program and Innovation will confirm the location of French Immersion Programs in the Board.


Elementary French Immersion Program


Entry Point

The entry point for French Immersion Programs is Kindergarten. Upon the approval of the school principal and the appropriate Family of Schools’ Superintendent, a student may enter the program at another point provided the student’s accumulated hours in the French Immersion Program qualifies the student for successful recognition in completing the requirements of this program.



Students enrolled in the French Immersion Program are to attend the Family of Schools designated French Immersion school site based on their home address. Any out-of-boundary requests will follow the Attendance Area Exceptions process outlined in this Policy and the Student Transportation Policy.



There are a limited number of spaces available for students entering French Immersion Programs. Where necessary, registration waitlists will be developed for each designated French Immersion school site.


·   Sibling Pre-registration

Siblings of current elementary French Immersion students, who are entering Kindergarten are provided with the first opportunity to pre-register on-line for the French Immersion Programs at their designated Family of Schools’ site by December 15 th of the year preceding the September enrolment in the French Immersion Program.


Siblings who have not been pre-registered by the indicated date will be required to follow the on-line open pre-registration process.


·   Open Pre-registration

Open pre-registration for French Immersion Programs is on-line at a designated date and time posted on the Board website.


The pre-registration must be completed and submitted using the Board on-line registration portal during the indicated pre-registration window. It is the sole responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that they have registered their student at the correct French Immersion school and for the appropriate grade.


Each pre-registration is dated, time stamped and rank ordered. The applicant will receive email notification confirming pre-registration of their student.


Admission will be determined by pre-registration ranking. Parents/guardians will receive notification from their Family of Schools’ French Immersion school regarding the status of their student’s pre-registration prior to the March Break of the current school year, i.e., admission into the French Immersion Program or placement on the waitlist. Successful applicants will be required to complete the registration process for their student by June 1 st of the current school year.



Students enrolled in French Immersion Programs, where eligible, will be provided with transportation to their local Family of Schools’ designated French Immersion school in accordance with the Niagara Catholic Student Transportation Policy AOP (500.2) .


Secondary French Immersion Program

Designated Niagara Catholic secondary schools will endeavour to offer credits in French, based on viability and enrolment, to enable a student to qualify for the French Immersion Certificate.


Program Requirements

All Niagara Catholic students are required to successfully complete 30 credits fulfill the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma. Secondary school students must accumulate a minimum of ten (10) French Immersion credits to qualify for the French Immersion Certificate upon graduation.   


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Parents/guardians wanting to register their child(ren) in a Niagara Catholic elementary or secondary school will be required to contact the Niagara Catholic International Education Office for further information on the required documentations for registration.



The International Student Application Package for New Students or the International Student Application Package for Returning Students and the online registration must be completed, submitted and approved prior to admission into any Niagara Catholic elementary or secondary school.

·   International Student Application Package for New Students

·   International Student Application Package for Returning Students


Upon completion and submission of all required documents, and approval for admission, a Visa student will be provided with a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from the Niagara Catholic International Education Office to support the student’s Canadian visa application and school registration process.

·   A Visa student shall be charged a fee determined by the Board.

·   Admission to an elementary or secondary school will be granted upon receipt of payment.


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A student approved as an Exchange Student will participate in reciprocal, school-based programs, provided in co-operation with the Canadian School Authorities and the foreign exchange partners, a Board approved international exchange agency, in compliance with the Admission of Elementary and Secondary Students Governance Policy and Administrative Operational Procedures.


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A student identified as a: Permanent Resident, Refugee, Work Permit, or Diplomatic Status, will be admitted in accordance with the Ontario Education Statutes and Regulations, Immigration Canada Laws and procedures, and in compliance with the Admission of Elementary and Secondary Students Policy and Administrative Operational Procedures.


A principal/vice-principal who receives immigration documents from a student applying for admission will review the documents for eligibility and request completion of the Confirmation of Pupil Eligibility Form . The principal/vice-principal will ensure that the information is completed according to the immigration documents provided.


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An expelled student will be referred to the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education, who in consultation with the principal/vice-principal, parents/guardians, the student or where applicable adult student will determine an appropriate placement recommendation in accordance with the Niagara Catholic Student Expulsion Policy (302.6.5) . G CIRCUMSTANCES


A request for school admission, which has extenuating, and/or compelling family circumstances, shall be submitted in writing to the Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education for consideration.


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Admission to a Niagara Catholic elementary and/or secondary school may be denied when:

·   the student does not reside within the established school boundary

·   the student does not reside in the Niagara Region

·   the student has received a full expulsion (alternate programming will be made available)

·   the student’s presence will present a safety risk for other students


A request for admission Outside the School Attendance Area and/or Outside the Niagara Region will not be granted into:

·   schools identified by Board motion

·   schools at or above on-the-ground capacity (no surplus space) unless there is available childcare

·   schools where a parent/guardian is a Niagara Catholic staff member


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Individuals who are entitled to appeal a denial for admission to a Niagara Catholic elementary or secondary school must provide a written notice of their intention to appeal to the Family of Schools’ Superintendent. The notice should include information to support the appeal.


The Family of Schools’ Superintendent of Education will review the admission appeal and will communicate a written decision about the admission to the individual who has submitted the appeal.

Adopted Date:


Revision History:

February 24, 1998


June 16, 2009

January 26, 2010

April 27, 2010

February 26, 2013

December 17, 2013

June 16, 2015

April 23, 2019

November, 28, 2023

November 11, 2024

February 3, 2025


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Admission of Elementary and Secondary Students Policy (301.1) Administrative Operational Procedures

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