Tuesday September 21, 2021- 6:00 pm
Virtual Meeting via Google Meet
1. Opening Prayer
The opening prayer was led by R. Araujo
2. Roll Call
Absent Principal/Vice-Principal
R. Araujo and J. Tolomeo X
X Chair Mike Febbraro X Co-Chair Teacher Representative Tracy Kovacs X Non-Teaching Representative Diane Littler X PARENT/GUARDIAN MEMBERS Michael Hendrickse X Vince Kikas X Erynn Forbes X
4. Disclosure of Interest
No Disclosures of Interest were declared with any items on the agenda.
5. Approval of Minutes of the Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School Council Meeting of last meeting
This is the first meeting, no minutes yet to approve.
B. PRESENTATIONS- 2021 By-laws (Constitution) and CSC Policy (*copies will be emailed to all members of CSC following this zoom meeting)
A copy will be emailed regarding these bylaws. Explaining roles and responsibilities of the Catholic School Council members.
Niagara Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (NCPIC) Report-N/A -
none at this time.
2. Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Report- none to report
3. Catholic School Council Financial Report- review current balance -
TBD - funds have been requested from our parent community. Donations and Social Justice payments.
4. Potential Goals for this year- New supplies in Kindergarten, new technology in the classroom, new jerseys, music equipment, new Math materials to support new curriculum, Kinder cameras, yearbook camera -
goals and initiatives this year.
E. STAFF REPORT- T. Kovacs and D. Littler
In the future, we will let you know the happenings of the school. When asked, Mrs. Kovacs mentioned how glad she is to be back. She has noticed a small thing - students happy outside with equipment and being with friends.
R. Aruajo mentioned the change in tech. at recess helped with socializing. Students seem to be enjoying their time outside.
Kovacs mentioned the students enjoy the socializing
M. Hendrickse mentioned that he appreciated this as well.
1) Discuss goals for this year
2) Fundraising initiatives for this year (DFS Canada?) - R. Araujo displayed her screen showing all the options for parents to purchase. All online, and 40% of profits go to our school, no questions asked. These are items people need and use and it has been popular in the past. Thoughts?
E. Forbes mentioned that it should be tried and let the community let us know if it works. Sounds like a great option to give schools extra money.
Kovacs mentioned that this sounds great. Little collection and teacher involvement. Great to try.
R. Aruajo will send a letter to the council in a few weeks to start the ball rolling. Mid-October will be the targeted date.
V. Kikas mentioned that exploring this would be seamless. Question about delivery times.
Orders need to be in at a certain time and reminders will be sent to families. Back order items may take place, but still delivered.
M. Febbraro - question about backlogs on delivery. Orders being fulfilled may be unique this year. Retailers may experience difficulty this year with shipments.
R. Araujo mentioned that she will follow up with the company.
3) Set all future meeting dates
Typically we have 4 per year. We will inform the council about the dates and they will be set.
4) open discussion- Questions from the members
M. Febbraro asked about crossing guard safety. Still feel like the cars are driving quickly. Student and parent safety. A city study is being conducted apparently.
E. Forbes - cars come quickly and walkers are not being stopped for. Needs to be looked into further. Thanked the staff for a great start to the year.
R. Araujo asked about the crossing guard. Over Olive St. At the Service Rd. and Olive St.
If the crossing guard was at the intersection, then it would be better.
Rolling stops at the Service Rd. and Olive St.
M Hendrickse - lunches for students. Pita Pit and Subway. Also, Pizza Hut for individual boxes. Delivered to the classes. Will be started in October. Then it may be increased.
CSC list question - can we refresh the list? Yes - we will be using the first meeting list. The prior lists will be removed. If other parents want to join, they may do so, but won’t be able to stay on if they miss 3 meetings.
G. NEXT MEETING- TBD - Hoping before Christmas - questions can be brought to our attention.
H. ADJOURNMENT - 6:36 pm