1. References
      2. · Education Act (s.208.1; s. 229 (a))
      3. · Ontario Regulation 463/97 amended to 268/06
      4. · Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Procedures
      5. o Board By-Laws Policy (100.1)
      6. o Trustee Code of Conduct Policy (100.12)

      altNiagara Catholic District School Board


      (Board and Committees)


      100 – Board
      Policy No 100.8
      Adopted Date: October 25, 2005

      Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: October 24, 2023


      In keeping with the Mission, Vision, and Values of the Niagara Catholic District School Board, the Board is committed to conducting its business in an atmosphere of accountability, openness and transparency and to ensure that all Trustees have every opportunity to participate in the meetings of the Board of Trustees and its Committees of the Board.


      In accordance with Board By-Laws, the Board recognizes that there may be occasions when Trustees, including Student Trustees, are unable to be physically present for a meeting of the Board and/or its Committees. To ensure that Trustees have every opportunity to participate in the meetings of the Board and its Committees, the Board is committed to ensuring participation of Trustees in meetings, upon request, through electronic means.


      At the request of any Trustee or Student Trustee, the Board shall provide access to a Board technology platform which will provide two-way communication to the meeting. A written request to join a meeting electronically shall be made to the Director of Education Secretary/Treasurer a minimum of 48 hours (excluding weekends or holidays and Special Board meetings) prior to the date of the meeting.


      Subject to any condition or limitations provided for under the Education Act or its Regulations, a member of the   Board of Trustees, who participates in a meeting through electronic means shall be deemed to be present at the meeting for the purposes of every Act and shall be recorded as being in attendance, electronically, in the minutes of the meeting.


      The Director of Education will issue Administrative Operational Procedures for the implementation of this Policy.



      ·   Education Act (s.208.1; s. 229 (a))

      ·   Ontario Regulation 463/97 amended to 268/06

      ·   Niagara Catholic District School Board Policies/Procedures

      o   Board By-Laws Policy (100.1)

      o   Trustee Code of Conduct Policy (100.12)


      Adopted Date:


      Revision History:

      October 25, 2005


      May 27, 2014

      February 25, 2020

      October 24, 2023  

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      Trustee Electronic Meetings Policy (Board and Committees) (100.14) Statement of Governance

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