St. Alexander CSC Minutes
September 27, 2023-- First Meetin
In attendance:
Mr. Venzon
Mrs. Pozzobon
Ms. Principi
Mrs. DeDivitiis
Mrs. Sutherland
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Tallman
Mrs. Della Ventura
Sends Regrets:
Mr. and Mrs. Barron
Mrs. Jaski
Mrs. Caporicci
Mrs. Policella
Mrs. Zimmerman
Mrs. Reid
Land Acknowledgement
1. Land Acknowledgement- Mrs. Pozzobon
2. Prayer - Ms. Principi
3. Introductions - Mr. Venzon and all present
4. Catholic School Council By-Laws --on the NCDSB website for review
5. Catholic School Council Members 2023 - 24
6. Election of Catholic School Council Chair 2023/24--Mrs.DeDivitiis
7. Fr. Paul - Parish News- websites TRELLO
8. Principal’s Report:
i) Start of School, Open House-
a. Yesterday-open house was successful
b. Terry Fox walk was a success
c. End of the year bbq--have sign up for stations
ii) St. Alexander Spirit Wear
a. Big Bear order throughout the year
b. Grad hoodies have come in
iii) Food days (provider, days, payment)...
a. Food Day helpers are needed
b. Pizza days every second Tues
c. Subway once a month
d. Pita Pit-new option
iv) Thanksgiving Food Drive, Mass--by October 2
v) Halloween (Fundraising Dance-a-thon) dress down day, costumes all day, kids collect pledges for a dance-a-thon, each class dances for 1 period a day - glow sticks/rings/necklaces can be sold in gym, parade around the school yard - Parent volunteers for glow stick sales- Tallman/DeDivitiis/Sutherland
a. Pledge sheets before Thanksgiving
vi) Fundraising – student fundraisers for technology - Dance-a-thon, Christmas Cards (looking into a place to print--ND students??), Big Box Cards.
vii) Fr. Paul at St. Alexander Parish - Wednesday Masses, Grades 1-8 Masses at Church.
viii) Communication with families via messenger
ix) School Improvement Plan, Math Achievement Action plan--October 6
a. Moving into multiplicative reasoning in MathUp
b. Science of Reading--UFLI(phonics)/Heggerty
i. Example lesson done by Ms. Principi
9. Frequency of Meetings - Sept, Nov, Jan, March, May
10. Financial Report + purchases and upgrades made so far.
Next Meeting: November 28, 2023 at 5:30 pm
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