Catholic School Council Agenda March 29, 6:00 PM


    A.Routine Matters

    1.  Opening Prayer

    2.  Approval of the Agenda

    3.  Disclosure of Interest


    C. Principal’s Report

    1.  NCPIC

    2.  SEAC

    3.  Financial Report

    4.  Policies being vetted

    5.  School Improvement

    6.  School Organization

    7.  EQAO

    8.  Parish News

    9.  Confirmation

    10.  1st Communion

    11.  1st Reconciliation

    12.  Mini Retreats

    13.  Covid Update

    14.  After School Reading

    15.  Volunteers

    16.  Music- Cayen

    17.  Church Visits

    18.  Field Trips

    19.  EQAO

    20.  Family Math Nights


    D. OAPCE Report- Rep. required


    E. Staff Report-

    1. Graduation

    2. Food Drive

    3. Sports



    F. Agenda Items- Discussion for Future Meetings

    1.  Hot Lunch

    2.  Spirit Wear

    3.  Volunteer sign up

    4.  Fundraising

    5.  EcoSchools

    6.  Nutrition Program


    G. Next Meeting-


    H. Adjournment


    I.  Closing Prayer

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