1. A.Routine Matters
      2. C. Staff Report- Mrs. Losier reviewed the following.
      3. D. Agenda Items
      4. E. Next Meeting- April 25th
      5. F. Adjournment- 6:30 PM

      Catholic School Council Agenda March 2023 6:00 PM


      A.Routine Matters

      1.  Opening Prayer- Ms. Gambale

      2.  Approval of the Agenda

      3.  Disclosure of Interest


      B. Principal’s report

      1. NCPIC- Mr.Root reviewed next meeting dates

      2. SEAC- Mr. Root reviewed next meeting date

      3. Financial Report- Mr. Root reviewed financial information. The school bought a tv with lottery money and moved additional funds that were in school lottery account into the technology fund.

      4. Policies being vetted- Ms.Gambale reviewed current policies being vetted and the procedure to provide feedback.

      5. School Improvement-Mr. Root explained that the focus on teaching reading is now the science of reading and our school continues to work at math.

      7. March Break- dates reviewed.

      8. Purpose of Council- Mr. Root reviewed the 3 main purposed of CSC are Catholicity, School Improvement and Transparancy.

      9. Planning for next year- Mr. Root would like to plan next year to make it easier to fund events to increase the participation of students.


      C. Staff Report- Mrs. Losier reviewed the following.

      1. Vex-Mr. Arscott took team today. 2nd place and a 4th

      2. Chess- School will send a Junior and Int. team. Tryouts are ongoing

      3. First Communion Retreat- Tomorrow for Grade 2

      4. Confession- dates reviewed

      5. Earth Hour- dates reviewed

      6. Down Syndrome Day- dates reviewed

      7. School Mass- dates reviewed


      D. Agenda Items

      1.  Hot Lunch- will continue into June

      2.  Milk- ends the end of May

      3.  Fundraising- baskets will occur in June

      4.  Eco Schools- Ongoing


      E. Next Meeting- April 25th


      F. Adjournment- 6:30 PM



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