Adopted Date: February 18, 2003
| Latest Reviewed/Revised Date: September 15, 2020
The Director of Education has established Administrative Operational Procedures for the implementation of Home Schooling. Policy Program Memorandum No. 131 is available at the following website address: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/extra/eng/ppm/131.html.
· Parents, who decide to provide Home Schooling, must notify the Board of their intent in writing to the Superintendent of Education, with a copy to the School Principal on an annual basis prior to September 1 of the school year.
· The name(s), gender, and date of birth, telephone number and address of the home are to be included.
· Parents will sign the letter.
· Parents may use the attached Appendix B: Sample Parent/Guardian Letter - Indicating Notification of Intent to Provide Home Schooling to notify the Board.
· When parents have provided written notification of their intent to provide Home Schooling, the Board shall consider the child to be excused under 21(2) clause (a) of the Education Act (see Appendix A ).
· The Board shall accept the written notification of the parents each year as evidence that the parents are willing to provide "satisfactory instruction at home", until there are reasonable
· grounds to suspect otherwise.
· The Board shall send a letter each year to the parents, acknowledging the notification.
· The Board shall use the attached Appendix C: Sample Letter - In Response to a Parent's Notification.
If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the child is not receiving "satisfactory instruction" at home, the Board shall investigate to determine whether instruction is satisfactory.
Possible Reasons for an Investigation of Home Schooling
· A parent has not notified the Board in writing of the intent to provide Home Schooling.
· A credible report has been received from a third party regarding the instruction.
· Evidence has been provided that the child was removed because of ongoing conflicts.
· The student has a history of absenteeism.
Guidelines for Conducting an Investigation
The Board may arrange an official meeting with the family or ask the parent to submit information about Home Schooling in writing. A member of a recognized support group for parents, from one of the Home Schooling Support Associations, may be present when a Board is conducting an investigation.
If a Board chooses a written submission from the parent/guardian, board officials may ask the parent to complete a form such as the attached Appendix D: Sample Form for Gathering Information in an Investigation.
For specific questions regarding program and service matters, please contact:
Kimberley Kinney | Superintendent of Education | 905-735-0240 ext. 227 |
Ted Farrell | Superintendent of Education | 905-735-0240 ext. 230 |
Lee Ann Forsyth-Sells | Superintendent of Education | 905-735-0240 ext. 229 |
Gino Pizzoferrato | Superintendent of Education | 905-735-0240 ext. 228 |
The Niagara Catholic District School Board provides access to all parents to the Ministry of Education
Ontario curriculum. It is also available at the Ministry of Education website www.edu.gov.on.ca .
Requests for Ministry of Education materials and Religion and Family Life resources are processed through the Board at extension 222.
Part-Time Enrolment
It is preferred for students to be enrolled full-time. If a parent requests part-time enrolment, arrangements must be made with the Principal of the student's community school. Part-time student expectations in regards to attendance, course work, and assessment and evaluation, are the same as for all students. The student will be enrolled on the part-time register.
Full-Time Enrolment / Return to School
Should a home schooler wish to return to school on a full-time basis, parents need to meet with the Principal of the home school. The principal will determine whether an assessment will be required for educational placement.
For secondary placement, the Ministry of Education's General Educational development (GED) is a testing service for high school equivalency and is available by visiting the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) website or by telephone at 1-800-575-7022.
· Subsection 21(1) requires every child to attend school from the age of six until the age of sixteen.
· Subsection 21(2) lists the legal reasons that a child may be excused from attending school. One of the reasons is that "the child is receiving satisfactory instruction at home or elsewhere", stated in clause (a).
· Subsection 21(5) requires parents to send children to school.
· Subsection 24(1) deals with the appointment of the Provincial School Attendance Counsellor, and subsection 24(2) sets out the authority and mandate of the Provincial School Attendance Counsellor to conduct an inquiry into the reasons for, and other circumstances related to, a child's non-attendance at school.
· Section 25 deals with the appointment by school boards of school attendance counsellors, and authorizes a school attendance counsellor to enforce compulsory school attendance.
· Section 26 sets out the duties and powers of school attendance counsellors
· Section 30 deals with prosecution of parents or guardians for a child's non-attendance at school.
· Subsection 30(7) authorizes a court to order an inquiry under subsection 24(2).
Name of Student
| Date of Birth
month/date/year | Gender
| Grade
| Name of Current/Last School Attended
| ||||
| ||||
Name of Parent/Guardian: | |
Home Address (Including Postal Code): | |
Mailing Address (If different then above): | |
Telephone Number: | |
Email Address: | |
schooling for our child(ren) starting on (insert date): |
Signature of Parent/Guardian: | |
Date: | |
· Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum No. 131, "Home Schooling"
· Niagara Catholic District School Board, "Home Schooling: Administrative Procedures"
Do you make instructional plans? | Yes | No | |||
Do you spend regularly planned instructional time with your child? | Yes | No | |||
Do you have a daily work schedule for your child's home schooling? | Yes | No |
Does your instructional program include Religion and Family Life? | Yes | No | |||
Is your instructional program based on any of the elementary or secondary | Yes | Yes | |||
curriculum policy documents published by the Ontario Ministry of Education | |||||
Language | |
Mathematics | |
Science and Technology | |
Social Studies/History and Geography
| |
The Arts | |
Health and Physical Education | |
French As a Second Language
| |
Secondary Curriculum Policy Documents
English | |||
Mathematics | |||
Other subjects | Please list: | ||
Supplementary materials used: | Very Often
| Often
| Seldom
| Never
| |||||||||||||||||||
Magazines | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Newspapers | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Science Kits | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Tape Recordings
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Maps Charts Models/mock-ups
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Television programs | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Radio programs | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Computer programs
This section is intended to give the board information on the resources you use to support your instructional program.
Please indicate the community and other resources you use.
Public Library | |||
Community centre | |||
Local gym facilities | |||
Public swimming pool | |||
| |||
Art galleries
| |||
Recreational/education/social groups (e.g. Scouts, Guides) | |||
Nature interpretive centres
| |||
Camping areas
| |||
Youth groups | Please specify: | ||
Networking with other families that provide home schooling can offer valuable support. Please indicate if you are a member of any of the following provincial associations.
Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents
| |||
Ontario Christian Home Educators' Connection
| |||
Catholic Home Schoolers' Association - Ontario
| |||
Other organizations or groups | Please specify: | ||