1. December Staff Meeting Faith Formation
    1. SLIDE 1
    2. Introduction:
    3. Opening Prayer: 
    4. SLIDE 2
    5. SLIDE 3
    6. Closing Prayer:

December Staff Meeting Faith Formation

Based on “A Christmas of Contrasts, p. 43” from Out of the Ordinary by Joyce Rupp





In the month of December, we prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Just as our love often seems to grow as we await the arrival of a loved one after a time apart, during Advent we likewise have an opportunity to grow in love for Jesus, the celebration of whose birth we await this month.

Opening Prayer:  


Let us pray,

In the name of the Father…

Lights on trees and houses,

Tastes and smells that come only once a year,

Smiles and greetings that appear on unexpected faces,

Carols floating in the air.


Dear Lord,

The world around me changes this time of year.

We try so hard to surround ourselves with comforting sights and sounds.

Help me to remember that,

With all the beauty of the season,

The fullest sign of Christmas is to make peace with my enemy,

To include the stranger,

And to allow others to see your love in me.




Reflection: Let us take a moment now to think about the many blessings we share and those that go without.


Reader 1:  I receive cards and letters from dear ones

Reader 2: There are many who have no one to love them.


Reader 1: I sit down to a Christmas dinner, a table of abundance.

Reader 2: There are those who long for just a small portion of food and find none.

Reader 1: I feel love and goodness from those around me.

Reader 2: There are people living in fear of violence and war.

Reader 1: I open my many gifts, most of which I do not need.

Reader 2: There are those who have no gifts to give or receive.

Reader 1: I move freely from home to home, choosing whom I see and visit.

Reader 2: There are visually impaired, physically challenged, and chronically ill persons who cannot move easily.

Reader 1: I am welcomes by friends, family, and acquaintances.

Reader 2: There are persons who are mocked, ridiculed, disdained, or ignored because of their race of religion.

Reader 1: I return to the security of my home.

Reader 2: There are countless homeless who have no dwelling place to which they can return.

This Christmas, will I recognize God’s presence in my world? Will I look beyond my own comfortable, cozy space and find God dwelling among the many who are lost, lonely, ill, neglected, forgotten? Will their presence in the world make any difference in how I celebrate the Holy One’s coming to dwell in my midst? Will I see the love of God shining through the windowed hearts of Earth’s people? Will I hear the truth told long ago this Beloveds kindness toward all? Will I hold these people in my heart this Christmas? Will I let them though my prayer and my celebration?



Closing Prayer:


Together let us pray the word’s Christ gave us,

Our Father…


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