Sample Student Profile - Secondary
    Name: Jonathan Age: 14

    Grade/Class: 9 IEP: Yes

    School: Our Lady of Perpetual Hope Exceptionality: Communication: LD

    Number of Credits Accumulated: 4 Date: February 2015

    Sources of Information

    (Identify sources of information and assessments to be conducted. Check box and note date when a source has been reviewed or a new assessment completed.)


    Review of OSR, including previous report cards: Feb.2015

    Consultation with parents: phone/Feb. 2015

    Consultation with previous & current teachers: ongoing

    Consultation with support team: ERT, CYW, Feb. 2015

    Classroom observation checklist: Feb. 4-present

    Educational assessments: K-Tea/2010; Psych.Ed/2012



    Interest and/or learning style inventory: Feb. 6, 2015

    Work samples, assignments, projects: on-going/moderated marking

    Student/Parent surveys: February 6, 2015

    Peer and self-assessments _______

    Other (specify): IEP, IPRC, Youth Net Survey, Report from Pathstone shared by parents and CYW

    Findings from Information Sources and Assessments - Strengths and Areas of Need
    - Youth Net Survey indicated some concerns related to anxiety, social-emotional wellness, Jonathan linked to CYW for weekly support, referral sent to MHAN, outside counselling through Pathstone

    -Action plan in place through Student Success Team for Jonathan to access supports through CYW when anxiety escalates (quiet zone in Resource is alternate location if CYW not available)




    -sensory needs related to crowds, loud noises

    -doctors note in OSR provides diagnosis of anxiety disorder and attention deficit disorder (ADD) and some recommended strategies for educators to support at the school level (medication discontinued in 2011 and home and school level interventions have been proven successful in responding to needs related to anxiety and ADD

    -report card data, IEP and IPRC indicate that Jonathan responds to a structured and nurturing environment

    -report card data from first semester indicates consistent achievement at the applied level with a range from level 3- to 4-

    -learning skills are consistently good with some concerns related to self-regulation which has shown consistent progress since gr. 7

    -Grade 6 EQAO shows level 3 in reading and writing and level 2 in mathematics

    -DRA and OCA scores are consistent; Jonathan is Reading at the early intermediate level (Grade 7) with 98% accuracy, he continues to struggle with inferencing and making connections

    -preliminary math survey in class indicated that Jonathan does not see himself as a math learner and experiences some math anxiety (stated that: "my scores are always low in Math")

    -K-TEA II - Math Composite - Low average; Psycho-Ed - Math Composite - Low average (stronger scores in written composite and perceptual reasoning)

    Assessment and Instruction
    Behavioural/Social Emotional Considerations
    Considerations for Assessments
    Considerations for Instructional Strategies
    -monitor action plan with admin. and CYW related to anxiety and adjust as needed

    -provide a structured and nurturing environment with visual supports and an inquiry stance to learning

    -link Jonathan's strengths with a "growth mindset" in math

    -link Jonathan's visual and kinesthetic learning styles with manipulatives and visual supports to alleviate his math anxiety

    -take an assessment for learning stance with collaboration and inquiry as a focus to take the focus off math scores

    -clearly posted learning goals, success criteria and descriptive feedback

    -focus and self and peer assessment through modelling and gradual release of responsibility

    -allow extra time for assignments and tests and alternate setting to respond to anxiety and sensory needs

    -ensure that assessments are not just written, but hands-on



    -provide visual supports around the room

    -use real life examples, manipulatives and hand-on activities

    -use of the three part math lesson, Bansho and math congress to encourage collaboration, problem solving, accountable math talk and multiple pathways to approach math and life

    -focus on open problems and contextual questions

    -extended time to process information

    Available Resources/Supports/Interventions
    Educational Resource Teacher, Child and Youth Worker, Resource Room, Student Success Team, Mental Health Nurse, Math Facilitator and Resources to promote Collaborative Inquiry in Math, Growth Mindset in Math by Dr. Carole Dweck and Dr. Jo Boaler, After School Math Homework Club, Participation in Safe Schools Wellness Club








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