1. Opening Prayer:
    2. Leader:
    3. Leader: The First Station: Jesus in the Garden of Olives
    4. Reader:
    5. Leader: The Second Station: Jesus, Betrayed by Judas, is Arrested
    6. Leader: The Third Station: Jesus is Sentenced to Die
    7. Reader:
    8. Leader: The Fourth Station: Jesus is Denied by Peter
    9. Leader: The Fifth Station: Jesus is Judged by Pilate
    10. Leader: The Sixth Station: Jesus is Whipped and Crowned with Thorns
    11. Reader:
    12. Leader: The Seventh Station: Jesus Bears the Cross
    13. Leader: The Eighth Station: Jesus is Helped by Simon to Carry the Cross
    14. Leader: The Ninth Station: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem
    15. Reader: 
    16. Leader: The Tenth Station: Jesus is Crucified
    17. Leader: The Eleventh Station: Jesus Promises His Kingdom to the Good Thief
    18. Reader: 
    19. Leader: The Twelfth Station: Jesus Speaks to His Mother and the Disciple
    20. Reader:
    21. Leader: The Thirteenth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross
    22. Leader: The Fourteenth Station: Jesus is Placed in the Tomb
    23. Reader:
    24. Closing Prayer:
    25. Leader:



The following stations of the cross are based on those celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991. They are presented here as an alternative to the traditional stations and as a way of reflecting more deeply on the Scriptural accounts of Christ's passion.

Regardless of the version used to pray the stations, the most important goal is that we come to know in our hearts God’s tremendous love and mercy, and that we enter into the Passion of Christ so as to think of our own lives and those failings that might keep us from drawing closer to this great love.


Suitable for children – use different readers for scripture, you may wish to use a short verse or chorus from a song in between each station.



Opening Prayer:



Dear God,

As we walk with you on the Way of the Cross,

open our hearts to understand your great love

through your suffering for us.




Leader: The First Station: Jesus in the Garden of Olives


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Jesus knew he was to die a terrible death. He dreaded it and was feeling very alone. He went to the Garden to pray and feel close to his Father. Sadly, all of Jesus’ friends fell asleep instead of praying with him.



Lord, help us to help our friends when they need us.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Second Station: Jesus, Betrayed by Judas, is Arrested


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Judas accepted 30 pieces of silver to tell the soldiers where Jesus was praying so they could arrest him. It is shocking and sad that a friend could betray Jesus this way.



help us to have the courage to do the right thing.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Third Station: Jesus is Sentenced to Die


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Many people were saying bad things about Jesus, even though he had spent so much time healing them and teaching them about God’s love for them. The authorities hated Jesus and his teachings, they plotted his death.



you were guilty of nothing, and yet you were arrested.

Help us to always be fair.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.



Leader: The Fourth Station: Jesus is Denied by Peter


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




People were all talking about Jesus’ arrest. Three times Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, was asked “Aren’t you a friend of his?” All three times Peter said “no”. Peter was so ashamed that he cried.



Lord, grant us the gift of honesty

that we may not be afraid to speak the truth even when difficult.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Fifth Station: Jesus is Judged by Pilate


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Pilate did not think the accusations were very serious and he wanted to release Jesus, so he talked to the people a second time. But the people continued yelling—crucify him! Crucify him! Pilate finally agreed.



help us to think clearly and be fair, even

When others are pushing us otherwise.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Sixth Station: Jesus is Whipped and Crowned with Thorns


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Pilate had Jesus whipped. Soldiers were mocked him and dressed him up like a king with a crown of thorns. They slapped him but Jesus remained silent and did not defend himself.



help us to be patient and trust in you when we are suffering.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.



Leader: The Seventh Station: Jesus Bears the Cross


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Pilate handed Jesus over to the people and Jesus carried his cross by himself, even though his body was bloody and sore from the whipping.


Lord,, help us to be strong even when we don’t feel strong.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.



Leader: The Eighth Station: Jesus is Helped by Simon to Carry the Cross


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Jesus was really struggling, and stumbled often. The soldiers ordered a man named Simon to help carry the cross.



Lord, give us willing spirits to help others.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Ninth Station: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Many women were very close to Jesus. When he saw them on the road, they were crying and mourning his suffering.


Lord, give us gentle spirits

that we may comfort those who mourn.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Tenth Station: Jesus is Crucified


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




At the place called the Skull, Jesus was nailed to the cross. Even in this terrible moment, Jesus asked his Father to forgive the people who were hurting him.



help us to forgive others when they hurt us.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Eleventh Station: Jesus Promises His Kingdom to the Good Thief


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Two criminals were crucified with Jesus. One criminal mocked Jesus, but the other was sorry for his sins, and Jesus promised him that he would be forgiven and had a place with him in heaven.



Lord, help us to be honest about our actions.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.



Leader: The Twelfth Station: Jesus Speaks to His Mother and the Disciple


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




Jesus’ loved ones were near the cross, including Jesus’ mother Mary and his beloved disciple, John. Even as he is dying, Jesus asked his mother and John to look after each other.



help us to care for our families and all those around us.


All: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in your steps.


Leader: The Thirteenth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins




In his last hours, Jesus’ is suffering is terrible, and he did not feel that God was still with him. In this darkness, Jesus dies.


We pause for a moment of silence to honour Jesus’ death.



Leader: The Fourteenth Station: Jesus is Placed in the Tomb


We love you Jesus, and we bless you.


Because by your holy cross you forgive us our sins



Jesus had been released from his pain and suffering, and his friends lovingly prepared his body for burial in the tomb.


Lord, Help us to always care for others.



Closing Prayer:



Lord Jesus Christ,

Through your suffering and death, we are forgiven all our sins.

Help us to follow your teachings, so that we can someday live with you in heaven.





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Scriptural Stations of the Cross - Children