1. Catholic Education Week 2013 – Growing Together in Faith
    2. May 5 – 10, 2013

    Catholic Education Week 2013 – Growing Together in Faith

    May 5 – 10, 2013


    Unified prayer for the Niagara Catholic family, Monday, May 6, 2013 – this prayer service will lend itself to a PA prayer service or a gathered service. Prayers of the Faithful are suitable for a Eucharistic celebration.


    The theme song for Catholic Education Week has been recorded by Nancy Bodsworth and was included on CD in your CEW resource package and is also available as MP3 download at www.goodnewsforall.ca . At this site you may also access sheet music, lyrics and guitar chords. A power point with lyrics is included with this service for those who will gather in a central place.


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    Call to Prayer

    Leader: In this place, gathered in God’s holy name, we become quiet and still in God’s presence to reflect and celebrate that we grow together in faith.


    + In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


    All:    Amen.


    Opening Song:  Together in Faith by Nancy Bodsworth (play CD or sing together)




    Leader:  Creator God, gathered as a community of faith

    to celebrate Catholic Education Week,

    we pray for the courage to build Your kingdom

    by our words, actions and prayers.


    For growth and transformation, give us


    ears of faith ... that we may listen to

    and be rooted in Your word;


    hands of faith ... that we may serve generously and be nurtured in Your light;


    a mind of faith ... that we may develop

    wisdom and understanding to discern Your will;


    eyes of faith ... that we may seek truth

    and justice, bearing witness to Your love.


    We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus,

    who lives and reigns with You

    and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever


    All:    Amen.








    A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians.


    I pray that, according to the riches of God’s glory,

    he may grant that you may be strengthened

    in your inner being with power through his Spirit

    and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,

    as you are being rooted and grounded in love.


    The Word of the Lord. ALL: Thanks be to God.




    Prayer of the Faithful (one or several readers)


    Invitation: Ever living and ever loving God, We bring our prayers to you confident that they will be heard.


    The response to our petitions is:

    Lord, hear our prayer.


    For the Church: May God’s love be rooted in the leadership of Pope Benedict, all the bishops and the ministry of our priests, as we are all called to grow in our faith, we pray to the Lord…. R.


    For the leaders at all levels of our communities, of our province, of our country and of the nations of our world: May they accept their role in nurturing the peace that yields the fruits of righteousness and justice, we pray to the Lord… R.


    For those suffering from injustice and those in our midst who are experiencing illness, pain, loneliness, or despair:  May they be strengthened in faith by a community of love and compassion, we pray to the Lord…. R.


    For our Catholic schools (especially _your school name__): May staff and students witness to the gospel message through word and deed, we pray to the Lord…. R.

    For all of us gathered here as a people of resurrection: May we always be grateful for our many blessings as we celebrate the gift of Catholic Education, the gift of our family and friends, the gift of our students, the gift of each other and the gift of today, we pray to the Lord…. R.


    Concluding Prayer: God of mercy and peace, You gave us your Son, Jesus, to touch our hearts and renew our hope. He died on a cross made from a tree was the seed of new life, and inspires us to grow in faith and serve in His name.


    Hear these petitions and those that remain in our hearts, as we trust in Your love, revealed to us through Jesus Christ,


    All:     Amen.





    CLOSING PRAYER: (suggest two alternating voices)


    God of grace and goodness,

    Fill the hearts of your faithful

    and kindle in us the fire of your love,

    as we desire to grow together in faith.


    We pray that our eyes and ears will be open to listening

    to Your words of hope and kindness

    as You call us to follow you.


    We pray that our minds will focus on learning

    the lessons that You teach about gratefulness

    and God’s love for each of us.


    We pray that our hands, feet and voices will be guided to

    courageously live in such a way that we will grow

    as a family and a community of faith.


    We pray that our hearts will love as You do

    and that we will encourage and support one another

    in our efforts to build Your kingdom on earth.


    We pray that our spirits will be open to your promise of hope

    leading us to accomplish great things as

    friends and followers of Christ, growing together in faith.


    +We ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.










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