1. Sheet1

6 A ABA Applied Behaviour Analysis
7  AC Audit Committee
8  ACE Alternative Cooperative Education
9  ACL Association for Community Living
10  ADD Attenditon Deficit Disorder
11  ADHD Attendion Deficit Hyperacitvity Disorder
12  AEFO l’Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens
13  ALP Annual Learning Plan
14  APC Apprenticeship Preparation Course
15  APSSP Association of Professional Student Services Personnel
16  AQ  Additional Qualification
17  ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
18  ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
20 B BEA Behavioural Expertise Amount
21  BEC Business Education Council
22  BMS Behaviour Management Systems
23  BPS Broad Public Sector
24  BRT Behaviour Resource Teacher
26 C CAHPERD Canadian Assoc. for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
27  CAPE Consultants/Co-ordinators’ Association of Primary Educators
28  CAS  Children’s Aid Society
29  CASLT Canadian Association of Second Languages Teachers
30  CBA Collective Bargaining Agreement
31  CCAC Community Care Access Centre
32  CCC Catholic Curriculum Cooperative
33  CCSTA Canadian Catholic School Trustees Association
34  CDA Communicative Disorders Assistant
35  CEA  Canadian Education Association
36  CEC Council for Exceptional Children
37  CEC Catholic Education Centre
38  CFSA  Child and Family Services Act
39  CIA Choices into Action
40  CICA Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
41  CILM Collaborative Inquiry for Leaderning - Mathematics
42  CIRA Canadian Intramural and Recreation Association
43  CLC  Canadian Labour Congress
44  CMEA Canadian Music Educators’ Association
45  CMEC Coalition for Music Education in Canada
46  COCA Central Ontario Computer Association
47  CONTACT Contact Niagara
48  CODE Council of Ontario Directors of Education
49  COOP Co-operative Education
50  COQ Certificate of Qualification
51  COSBO Council of School Business Officials
52  CPA Certified Public Accountant
53  CPF Canadian Parents for French
54  CPPCanada Pension Plan 
55  CRA Canada Revenue Agency
56  CRC Catholic Resource Centre
57  CSB Canada Savings Bonds
58  CSBA Canadian School Boards’ Association
59  CSBFA Canadian School Boards Services Association
60  CSC Catholic School Council
61  CSC  Curriculum Services Canada
62  CTF Canadian Teachers’ Federation
63  CUPE  Canadian Union of Public Employees
64  CYW Child and Youth Worker
66 D DCC Deferred Capital Contributions
67  DEAR Drop Everything and Read
68  DECE Designated Early Childhood Educator
69  DRA Developmental Reading Assessment
70  DSB District School Board
72 E EA Education Act
73  EA Educational Assistant
74  EAP Employee Assistance Program
75  ECNO Educational Computing Network of Ontario
76  ECCDC Early Childhood Community Development Centre
77  EFIS Educational Finance Information System
78  EI  Education International
79  EI  Employment Insurance
80  EKLP Early Kindergarten Learning Program
81  ELAN English Language Arts Network
82  ELL  English Language Learner (formerly ESL or ESD)
83  ELRA Enterprise Level Risk Assessment
84  EQAO Education Quality and Accountability Office
85  EQAO  Education Quality and Accountability Office
86  ERC Educational Research Council
87  ERGO English Resource Group of Ontario
88  ERM Enterprise Risk Management
89  ERT Educational Resource Teacher
90  ESL English as a Second Language
91  ESP Educational Support Plan
92  ETFO  Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
93  EYAG Early Years Action Group
95 F FA Financial Assets
96  FDELKP Full Day Early Learning Learning Kindergarten Program
97  FI  French Immersion
98  FS Financial Statements
99  FSL French as a Second Language
100  FTE Full-time Equivalent
102 G GHA Golden Horseshoe Association
103  GO Government of Ontario
105 H H & PE Health and Physical Education binders
106  HEROS Helping Educators Retrieve Opportunity 4 Students
107  HLN Healthy Living Niagara
108  HNA High Needs Amount
109  HR Human Resources
110  HRDC Human Resources Development Canada
112 I IBI Intensive Behaviour Intervention
113  ICE Institute for Catholic Education
114  IEP Individual Education Plan
115  IPRC  Identification, Placement, and Review Committee
116  IPS Individual Plans (for students with anaphylactic allergies)
117  IRA International Reading Association
119 J JK Junior Kindergarten
120  JMI Junior Math Intervention
122 K KICA Knowledge, Inquiry, Communication Assessment
124 L LAN Local Area Network
125  LEAF  Legal Education and Action Fund
126  LNS  Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat
127  LTD Long Term Disability
128  LTO  Long Term Occasional
129  LTTA Learning Through the Arts
131 M MFIPPA Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
132  MCSS Ministry of Community and Social Services
133  MCYS Ministry of Children and Youth Services
134  MLC Modern Languages Council
135  MOE Ministry of Education
136  MOHLTC Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
137  MOYAP Modified Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
139 N NCPIC Niagara Catholic Parent Involvement Committee
140  NCTE National Council of Teachers of English
141  NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
142  NEA  National Education Association
143  NPCC Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre
144  NPCCSA Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre School Authority
145  NRHSAA Niagara Region High School Athletic Association
146  NSS Niagara Support Services
147  NTAB Niagara Training and Adjustment Board
148  NTIP New Teacher Induction Program
150 O OAJE Ontario Association of Junior Educators
151  OAME Ontario Association of Mathematics Educators
152  OASBO Ontario Association of School Business Officials
153  OASPHE Ontario Association of Supervisors of Physical and Health Education
154  OCBCC  Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
155  OCEA Ontario Cooperative Education Association
156  OCSBOA Ontario Catholic School Business Officials Association
157  OCSOA Ontario Catholic Supervisory Officers Association
158  OCSTA Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association
159  OCT Ontario College of Teachers
160  OCTE Ontario Council for Technology Education
161  OCUP Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner
162  OECM Ontario Education Collaboratiive Marketplace
163  OECTA  Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association
164  OESC Ontario Education Services Corporation
165  OESS Ontario Educational Software Service
166  OEYC Ontario Early Years Centre
167  OFHSA Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations
168  OFL Ontario Federation of Labour
169  OFSAA Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations
170  OGLA Ontario Guidance Leadership Association
171  OHRC  Ontario Human Rights Commission
172  OLA Ontario Library Association
173  OLCA Ontario Literacy Coordinators Association
174  OLS Ontario Leadership Strategy
175  OMCA Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association
176  OMEA Ontario Music Educators’ Association
177  OMERS Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System
178  OMLTA Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association
179  OPC  Ontario Principals’ Council
180  OPS Ontario Public Sector
181  OPSOA Ontario Public Supervisory Officials Association
182  OPHEA Ontario Physical and Health Education Association
183  OPSBA  Ontario Public School Boards’ Association
184  OPSEU Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union
185  OSAPAC Ontario Software Acquisition Program Advisory Committee
186  OSBFC Ontario School Board Financing Consortium
187  OSBIE Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange
188  OSCA Ontario Secondary Counselors Association
189  OSG Ontario Safety Guidelines Committee
190  OSR Ontario Student Record
191  OSSD Ontario Secondary School Diploma
192  OSSLC Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
193  OSSLT Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
194  OSSTF  Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
195  OT  Occasional Teacher
196  OT Occupational Therapy
197  OTF Ontario Teachers' Federation
198  OTIP Ontario Teachers’ Insurance Plan
199  OTPP Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
200  OYAP Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
202 P PAR Position of Added Responsibility
203  PDA Personal Digital Assistant
204  PDT Public Discussion Table
205  PES Program Effectiveness Survey
206  PHIPA Personal Health Information Protection Act
207  PLAR Prior Learning Assessment Recognition
208  PLATO Curriculum Programing – Math/English/Science
209  PLC Professional Learning Community
210  PMH Pathstone Mental Health
211  PPP(P3) Pathways Preparation Program
212  PQP Principal’s Qualification Program
213  PRS  Professional Relations Services
214  PRT Program Resource Teacher
215  PSAB Public Sector Accounting Board
216  PSSD Public Sector Salary Disclosure
217  PT  Physiotherapy
218  PTR  Pupil Teacher Ratio
220 Q QECO  Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario
222 R RAD Racing Against Drugs Committee
223  RFP Request for Proposal
224  RFT Request for Tender
225  RFQ Request for Quotation
226  RIAT Regional Internal Audit Team
227  ROE  Record of Employment
228  RTO  Retired Teachers of Ontario
230 S S/C/W School To College To Work Initiative
231  SAC Senior Administrative Council
232  SBCI School Boards'Co-operative Inc.
233  SEA Specialized Equivalent Amount
234  SEAC Special Education Advisory Committee
235  SEB  Supplementary Employment Benefits
236  SEPPA Special Education Per Pupil Amount
237  SGF School Generated Funds
238  SHSM Specialist High Skill Major
239  SHSS School Health Support Services
240  SIP Special Incidence Portion
241  SK Senior Kindergarten
242  SLP Speech Language Pathologist
243  SNF Special Needs Facilitator
244  SNF-IT Special Needs Facilitator - Information Technology
245  SO  Supervisory Officer
246  SOE  Superintendent of Education
247  SOSSA Southern Ontario Secondary Schools Athletic Association
248  SQC Sustaining Quality Curriculum
249  SSS Success Strategies For Students
250  SST Student Success Teacher
251  SWS Student Work Study
253 T TAP Teacher Advisor Program
254  TCA Tangible Capital Assets
255  TFFK Think First For Kids (Safety Prevention Program)
256  TIPS Targeted Implementation & Planning Supports
257  TLCP Teaching Learning Critical Pathway
258  TOKTW Take Our Kids to Work
259  TPA  Teacher Performance Appraisal
260  TVO  Television Ontario
262 U UEY Understanding Early Years
264 W WAN Wide Area Network
265  WCB Worker's Compensation Board
266  WHMIS  Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
267  WSIB  Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
268  WTFKMH Working Together For Kids' Mental Health
270 Y YJCA Youth Criminal Justice Act

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